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Mafu was sitting in class, listening to the teacher speak and go over the subject. He glanced at the red eyed brunette, Amatsuki was resting his head o his hand, his eyes continuously opening and closing. He was probably up all night. The albino shook his head in amusement, wouldn't be surprised. His mind then drifted off to thinking about the red eyed brunette and raven-haired.

Mafu had noticed that Amatsuki seemed to talk more with Kashitaro, the two were closed than before. He was beginning to wonder if Soraru felt jealous whenever he saw the two interaction. But he doesn't seem to act like he's upset about it.

The raven-haired was still the same tired and lazy person he was, he didn't seem to bother to pay attention to them. Mafu rested his head on his arms, he felt weird how he, all of the sudden, had feelings for the raven-haired. Well, technically I've had feelings for him for a long time back then.

The albino was a bit mad at himself for getting a little jealous at Amatsuki for being friendly with the raven-haired. He knew that it was childish, since Soraru and Amatsuki weren't dating, or even flirting with each other.

Mafu then stopped his thoughts for a bit as he began to realize something. Now that I think about it, they don't act like they like each other at all. It's more like as if they're just friends.

Mafu shook his head, I'm thinking way too much about this. He sighed and tried to bring his attention back to whatever the teacher was saying.

Amatsuki was zoning in and out during class. The red eyed brunette was tired from staying up late and playing video games. His eyes became heavy and were starting to get droopy. He tried his best to stay awake, but he felt his head nod constantly jerk back in an attempt to look awake and not face-plant. After a few more minutes of battling with sleep, Amatsuki gave up and rested his head in his arms as he closed his eyes.

"Mafu....wake me up.....in a couple of minutes...." the red eyed brunette said in between his yawns as he drifted off into sleep.


The albino couldn't hear the red eyed brunette well enough and turned his head to ask him, only to see that Amatsuki was already asleep. Mafu sighed as he turned his head back to face the board. Guess I'll wake up Amachan before the lunch bell.

Mafu glanced at the other two males that were sitting a bit further back. Senra was looking at the teacher while Sakata was doodling, not paying attention to what the teacher was talking about. The albino looked at them with a look of a curious child. He felt like they were hiding some things from them and was curious to figure it out, but the albino knew not to pry into people's business.

Mafu thought back on Soraru's interactions with the two males and giggled to himself. He found it amusing and adorable that the raven-haired took care of the other two. Soraru's a great guy.

The albino then began to realize that no matter what he was thinking about, the raven-haired seemed to find his way into his thoughts. He moved his hands to cover his cheeks that were starting to get decorated by a light pink shade of red. A-ah. I need to keep my thoughts in control.

The albino shook his head to stop the thoughts from continuing. He was confused about his own feelings. He knew that he liked Soraru back then, and that there were still some small feelings, but the albino wasn't sure if he should do anything about them. Just like Kashitaro, he would feel guilty if he went in between Soraru and Amatsuki, if there was anything going on between the two males. I'll just wait and see how things happen. If those two don't end up gaining feelings for each other then I'll tell him.


The four males were heading to the school roof as usual. Amatsuki was talking with Sakata and Senra along the way while Mafu just listened to their conversation. The red eyed brunette was complaining about how tired he was and how he needs some more sleep.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now