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Shima was following the mushroom haired to the library. Eve had asked him to come with him there after school.

"So why am I here again?" Shima asked as the mushroom haired smiled.

"The king and queen wanted to talk to you."

"But why just me?" Shima questioned, still confused at why they didn't say the others could come along.

"Well you're the prince of the human world, plus originally the king and queen said that your parents were suppose to come but they're busy at the moment so the king and queen told me to have you come for them."

"Geez, thanks mom and dad." Shima muttered to himself as he sighed. Why do I have to do their work?

"Any idea what it's about?"

"I actually have no idea, they didn't tell me." Eve gave the male an apologetic smile.

"It's fine."

The two arrived at the library, just as before the mushroom haired summoned the portal once there weren't that many students around. The two entered the portal, back in the forest they had been to before.

Shima was still amazed at how Outworld looked like. They walked down the path before Eve pulled the male into the abandoned house nearby.

"Eh?" Shima then felt a cloak wrap around him, "I get why Senra and the other two need it but why am I wearing a cloak?"

"The king and queen said that it was better for you to wear it," Eve then paused as he wondered whether he should tell him, "it's just that....I guess you can say that something might've happened."

"Something happened?" The purple-haired repeated as he became curious.

"The king and queen were discussing things with the other kingdoms that were to be kept a secret until the princes' situation calmed down, but it seems like things might've gotten worse."


"Someone from the meeting must've leaked the info to those that are after them, and now the king and queen are cautious about having people see any of you guys." Eve said as he wrapped the cloak around himself.

"So we're all kind of in danger now?"

The purple-haired was ready to turn back and go home. Why did my parents think it was a good idea for me to come here?!?

".......yes....." Eve hesitantly stated as he nervously smiled.

"How great....."

"I can see that your worried but, I'm sure we'll be fine, just like how the king and queen had the princes wiped out of everyone's memory, they also wiped out you being the prince of the human world. This is just to be safe, in case someone happens to recognize you."

"I'm going to be honest, I don't know whether that reassures me or not." Shima stated as the mushroom haired nervously laughed.

"Yeah, well let's go. The quicker we get there, the quicker we leave."

The two headed to the castle. I'm starting to wish I wasn't a prince now. Shima sighed as he followed the mushroom haired.

The town seemed peaceful despite what the male had told him. Guess the people that are after them are laying low. The purple-haired then spotted someone, it was the same person he had seen the previous time they were here.

Shima grabbed the mushroom haired's arm and dragged him behind a stand. Eve was confused by the male's action but then spotted the person too.

The figure was looking around the area before sighing.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now