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Senra was on his way back home, he had texted the redhead that he was coming back but hadn't received a response. He's probably sleeping. The blonde was carrying a small bag, he had decided to stop by the convenient store to buy something for the redhead.

As the blonde walked he noticed two male children run around in the playground. One of the boys, who was holding a cat in his arms, was playfully glaring at the other boy, who was grinning cheerfully. Senra watched the two boys for a few seconds a small smile crossed his face. Kinda reminds me of Sakata, back then when we were younger.

The blonde continued walking back to their house. He was bored during the walk so he just stared at the sky and area around him. The number of houses were decreasing as he got closer and closer to the building. After waning for awhile Senra looked around to make sure no one could see him, the people were minding their own business, not paying mind to the blonde at all.

Senra let a sigh in relief as he made a small lightning bolt to play around with as he continued making his way. The blonde was just making small sparks, being careful that he doesn't end up damaging anything or causing any problems. Once he got to the porch he stopped playing with his power and opened the door.

"Sakata." The blonde announced his arrival by calling the redhead's name. But received no reply.


Senra dropped his schoolbag on the couch and put the bag on the coffee table as he entered the living room. He noticed the redhead's absence so he decided to got look for him.

He checked the kitchen and rooms downstairs before going to the redhead's room. He's not in his room. The blonde was starting to get worried and was about to panic until he heard a small sneeze come from his room. He sighed and opened the door to see Sakata wrapped in a blanket, holding the blonde's book in his hands as he was looking at it.

"What are you doing?" Senra asked, the redhead jumped at the sudden voice.

"O-Oh it's you Senra."

"Why do you have my book?"

"I was curious~" Sakata saw the blonde's unconvinced expression and pouted, "okay fine. I was bored and just wanted to snoop around. You and Soraru never let me into your rooms~"

"For reasons." Senra stated as he thought back to the times where a younger Sakata would walk into their rooms and end up damaging something, not severely enough, but enough to make the two males sigh.

"But I was curious about the book, it's about different fire powers and short stories~"

"As long as you don't damage it then I don't mind."

"How mean~ it's like you guys have no trust in me." Sakata was about to pout before he ended up coughing.

Senra rolled his eyes at the redhead's statement before patting his back. The blonde gave him a smile.

"Go eat something so you can drink the medicine."

"Okay mom~" Sakata said as he put the book down and got up from the blonde's bed. He began to head towards the kitchen, dragging the big blanket that was wrapped around him.

Senra was a bit annoyed at the comment but told himself that the redhead was sick at the moment so he brushed it off. He then realized something and quickly shouted to the redhead.

"Wait Sakata! Be careful while walking down the stairs!"

"I'm fine~" was the reply given to him as Senra saw that the redhead was already downstairs. I'm surprised he didn't trip on the blanket, seeing as he can be clumsy.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now