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"Wonder where the guys are," Sakata said as he looked down from the balcony, looking at the sea of people filling the ballroom.

They could see the different types of people, ranging from children to adults to shop owners to royalty from other parts of the kingdom. Some were filling their plates with food, others holding their drinks as they were talking to their friends. Soft piano music filled up the rest of the silence, with people watching the pianist's fingers dance across the keys.

The three males were in their prince attire, a bow in their respective color was attached to the collar of the outfit. The three had been on the balcony over the ballroom for a few hours, they were fine at first but now boredom was starting to hit them. They couldn't roam around the castle, as it could possibly end up with a guest seeing them and freaking out, which would cause problems. So the three males were with their parents on the balcony, as it wasn't visible to others, waiting for the time to be granted the freedom to roam.

Soraru glanced down, he had heard a few people earlier when he was quietly heading to the balcony that they were wondering what the king and queen were planning. He heard them question what was so important that there needed to be a party.

"They're probably not here yet." Senra said as he scanned the area, causing the redhead pouted.

"So how exactly will this work?" The raven-haired asked his parents.

"Well first we'll announce you guys being the princes and then have Yuuto use his power on everyone so they slowly get their memories back." The king said as the blonde tilted his head.

"What about those that couldn't attend?" Sakata asked as Aihi smiled.

"He's actually going around the town right now and giving them their memories, though he's doing it so that it comes back at a certain time."

So kinda what he did to me, Sakata thought as he remembered that the teal-haired had used his powers on him but he only remembered about everything a while later.

"Wouldn't it be better to give them their memories first and then announce us being the princes?" Senra pointed out.

"If we announce about you three first then it can help us find point out possible enemies hiding," Aihi began to explain, "people will be confused once you three appear, wondering who you are, shocked that we had secret children, but if we see someone who don't react much then they are a bit suspicious."

"Couldn't they just fake a reaction to avoid being spotted?" Soraru pointed out, the other two males nodded their heads in agreement.

"We'll have Hana, Nqrse and Lon use their powers to sense if a person's aura or reaction is genuine and not a cover up."

"Wait, Lon?" Soraru said in confusion, "but she doesn't have powers? And is it really okay to have her caught up in this?" He gave them a worried look.

"She doesn't have powers, but with the necklace that Hana gave her she can sense the auras of people as long as she wears it."

"So people can also use powers as long as they wear something that contains it?" Sakata curiously asked as the king and queen nodded their heads.

"We keep learning new things about this whole thing," Soraru muttered to himself in amusement.

"Though I'm guessing it has to be made by someone with powers and given to them so they can use it. I doubt that anyone can get their hands on something like that." Senra stated as the queen smiled at her children.

"I know you're concerned about having your friends help us but it's better to have people you trust protect you." The king said, the raven-haired still felt a bit worried about the idea.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now