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The redhead was silent after hearing the short brunette's words. H-He doesn't hate me? He f-forgives me? H-He loves me.....b-but how?!?

"B-But you saw me! You said you saw me cause the fire!" Sakata said as he pushed the short brunette away again.

"I had a memory of meeting someone in the woods that said something about how easy it was to break us apart," Urata then frowned, "someone set things up, making me think it was you."

Sakata looked down, they threw the blame on me... The redhead was now worried about who could've been the cause of the fire.

"B-But me, Senra and Soraru are the only one that can use magic!" Sakata exclaimed as the short brunette pondered.

"Could it be that there are more than you think?"

Sakata was silent, he wasn't sure. Now that I think about it, back then Mia already knew how to help us with our powers when no one else even knew about them.... The redhead just glanced back at the short brunette.

"S-So we were manipulated?" Sakata's voice was shaking as the short brunette held his face in his hands.

"There's probably more to what happened."

Sakata then tackled the short brunette in a hug. Urata's face heated up but he ignored it.

"I-I love Urata!" Sakata stated again as the short brunette looked away, the blush becoming even more visible.

"......I'm sorry for leaving you on that day."

"It's fine....."

The two stayed in silence once again, the rain still pouring outside. Urata found it soothing, now that he wasn't worried about anything.

"Wait, how's your fever?" Urata asked as the redhead beamed.

"I feel better~ Urata's a kind person to take care of me."

The short brunette gave him a warning glare, "mention this to the others and I'll kill you."

"Www, Urata's embarrass—"

Sakata was cut off when he felt a soft sensation on his lips again. His heart jumped as his face became bright red. The short brunette parted the kiss and smirked.

"Who's the one embarrassed now?"

"......how mean," the redhead quietly said as he pouted, his face red, but not because of the fever.

Sakata pouted at the male's satisfied smirk. He then timidly grabbed onto the short brunette's shirt, "....I want another kiss....."

The short brunette blushed at the redhead's statement. How can he be so cute yet say something so boldly? Urata felt his heart flutter at the redhead's flushed, shy expression. Sakata was embarrassed for saying that, but he enjoyed the small kisses.

"Idiot," Urata gave him another peck on the lips, the redhead happily accepted it.

Both of their faces were red, but they both enjoyed the sweet feeling.

"O-okay that's enough...." Sakata said as he pushed the short brunette away in embarrassment. Urata just chuckled as he looked at the redhead's red tinted cheeks.

"It's your own fault for being cute."

The redhead turned away as he tried to stop the blush. Sakata then felt drowsy, guess keeping it all in was taking a big toll on me. The short brunette noticed the younger male's eyes get droopy.

"You should probably rest some more," the redhead was surprised at the male's rare act of kindness.

"Eh? You're being nice to me?"

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now