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The blonde entered the house, the blush still on his face as he remembered about his walk back home. I-I seriously confessed to Shima.

Senra used his hand to cover his red tinted cheeks. He was lost in his thoughts as he entered the living room that he jumped at the redhead's sudden voice.

"Senra's back~"

Sakata was laying on the couch while the raven-haired was sitting on the floor, facing the TV.

"Welcome back." Soraru said, not moving his eyes from the game that he was playing.

The blonde smiled a bit before looking at the redhead, who just giggled, with an annoyed expression.

"You seriously can be annoying sometimes." The blonde muttered as the male giggled again.

"But you're happy now~"

"I'm questioning how Urata can stand you?"

"Because of love~"

"The way you said that so casually without blushing..."

"Do I want to know what you two are talking about?" Soraru asked as he glanced at them, his eyebrow raised, before looking back at his game.

"Senra confessed to Shima~"


"Really? Well finally." Soraru bluntly said as the blonde blushed.

"Www niichan's straightforward as always."

"You two seriously....."

"Www now you'll be the one being teased~" Sakata playfully stated as the blonde sighed.

"How great..."

"It's kinda funny."

"What's funny niichan?" Sakata asked the raven-haired who paused the game and turned his head to look at them.

"Just that back then we were considered demons, well we kinda still are, yet now we have people that care about us."

"That's true, the guys didn't think badly of us when we told them about our powers." Senra said as the raven-haired nodded his head.

"But isn't it such a funny coincidence that we've met the guys before," Sakata turned over so that he was laying on his stomach, he rested his head on his hands, "kinda like we were destined to be with them."

"Wow, you actually said something smart for once." Senra said as he looked at the redhead in amusement.

Sakata pouted at the blonde's comment. He grabbed one of the couch pillows and threw it at the blonde, hitting him in the face.


The redhead just childishly stuck his tongue out.

"If you two start bickering again, I'm locking you guys outside." The raven-haired bluntly said as he went back to playing his game.

"He started it."

The two younger males pointed towards the other as they said the same thing. Soraru just sighed at their antics.

"You guys are annoying, I'm one day going to kick you guys out."

"Www but niichan knows that he'd never actually do that to us~" Sakata said as he got up and tackled the raven-haired in a hug.


"Www he cares about us soooo much~"

Soraru glared at him before sighing again. He patted the redhead's head, causing the younger to giggle.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now