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"Was it a good idea to leave Sakata alone?" Senra asked the raven-haired in a slightly unsure voice.

"Maybe, maybe not," Soraru replied as they walked towards the school, "let's just hope he doesn't accidentally burn something."

Their powers get weaker whenever they're sick, however it also gets harder for them to control it. So even the weakest and smallest mistake can cause the biggest disaster.

"Maybe one of us should stay with him." Soraru muttered to himself, he felt uneasy at leaving the sick redhead alone. That and his older brother instincts made him worried that he might hurt himself by accident.

"I can stay back." Senra volunteered as the raven-haired smiled at him.

"Sure, see ya once school's done." Soraru said as he waved goodbye to the blonde and continued to walk to the school while Senra turned around and headed back home.

The raven-haired was close to the school as he could see the gates nearby. He was enjoying the peaceful walk until he heard a voice behind him shout his name.


"Of course, it was too quiet." Soraru muttered to himself as he stopped to look at the albino that was grinning at him.

"Hello~" Mafu happily greeted the raven-haired, who rose his eyebrow.

"How can you have energy this early?"

"I don't. I'm just pretending to have energy so I don't notice how tired I actually am."

Soraru gave him an 'are you serious' look before shaking his head in amusement. The albino giggled before noticing that the raven-haired was alone.

"Where's Sakata and Senra?"

"Home. Sakata's sick and Senra decided to stay with him."

"Ooh, how lucky for Senra~ I wish I can simply decide to not go to school."

"Why don't you?"

"Because then Amatsuki would whine about me leaving him, and I don't want to hear that."

Soraru rolled his eyes, Amatsuki would definitely do something like that. The raven-haired sometimes wondered why he even agrees to hang out with these guys. He glances at the albino next to him, who was radiating a bright smile despite saying how tired he was. Soraru couldn't help but form a small smile on his face as he looked at Mafu. Funny how one person can make me suddenly happy.


It was lunchtime, Lon was in the student council room by herself. She was looking through the papers and such when she heard the door open.

"You called us over?" Soraru said as he entered the room with Kashitaro behind him.

"Yep~ I need help."

"With what?" The brunette asked as the blonde female smiled.

"I need to give the guidance counselor the file of the school's funds but I'm still working on sorting these out so can you guys do it for me? Please~?"

"Why do the both of us have to go?" Soraru stated, "Kashi can go on his own."

"Hey! Why should I be the one to do it?"

"I need someone to do that and I need someone to hand these filled out papers to a teacher." Lon said as she got up from her seat to grab the papers.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now