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Soraru was laying on his bed, playing a video game, as he enjoyed the quietness. That was until the redhead suddenly burst into his room with the blonde following behind, an amused smile on his face. The raven-haired slightly jumped at the sound of the door hitting the wall.

"Niichan~ I'm bored~" Sakata whined as he climbed onto the raven-haired's bed and gently shook him, like a child bothering their mother.

"And that's a good reason to almost break down my door?" Pausing the game, Soraru looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"Your door's fine, it's not broken."

"I tried to stop him." Senra quickly said as he raised his hands up in defense, not wanting to get scolded by the older male.

"Sure you did." Soraru sarcastically said as he sighed. He turned back to his video game, ignoring the two younger males in his room.

"Let's do something today niichan~" Sakata continued to whine childishly, showing no sign of stopping.

The raven-haired continued to ignore him while the blonde just laughed. After almost an hour of the redhead pestering him, Soraru sighed in defeat, giving into the younger male's demand.


"Yay~! See Senra, I told you he'd easily give up." Sakata puffed his chest out proudly while the blonde just rolled his eyes.

"I never said he wouldn't, we both know how soft he is when it comes to you. I just thought he'd give up in a second."

"Oi, what's that suppose to mean?" Soraru glared at the blonde, who just laughed.

"Ww well let's go~"

The redhead grabbed their hands and dragged them out of the raven-haired's room.

"H-Hey! Wait! We have to get ready first!"
"O-Oi, Sakata! I still have to turn off the game!"

The redhead stopped in his tracks, childishly sulking as he let go of the two. The redhead turned around so that he'd be facing them.

"Fine..." Sakata crossed his arms in a pout, "but you have ten minutes to get ready!" The redhead declared, the other two just sighed.

"Why do I suddenly feel like we're being treated as the younger ones?" Senra jokingly asked, the raven-haired simply shook his head.

"Let's just hurry up before Sakata starts becoming annoying again." Soraru walked back to his room while the redhead shouted in protest at the comment.

"Why don't we ask the others to come with us?" Sakata cheerfully asked, a bright smile beaming on his face.

The two could hear the raven-haired's voice from his room.

"Didn't you say you wanted us to spend time together as siblings?"

"Well– yes," Sakata sheepishly admitted, rubbing his neck, "but! It'd be more fun with them~"

"You just want to spend time with Urata." Senra teased, the redhead blushed before retorting back.

"Y-You also just want to see Shima!"

The blonde pretended he didn't hear the redhead, though his face was covered in a shade of red. Sakata grinned in satisfaction, before pouting once Soraru's voice was heard.

"If you two don't stop bickering like little kids then I'm just going to stay here by myself."


The redhead took his phone out to ask the others if they wanted to hang out while the other two got ready. Sakata beamed once he got replies from the others.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now