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Mafu was walking with the guys to school. Shima was teasing the short brunette with the albino occasionally joining in. Luz was talking to the pink haired male as Amatsuki simply enjoyed the breeze.

The red eyed brunette glanced to the side, noticing that the raven-haired was walking with the other three.

"Hey that's Soraru and Kashi," Amatsuki said to himself as he quickly walked up to them, "hey guys~!"

The others all stopped their conversations and turned to see the red eyed brunette catch up to the other four. The brunette heard someone call out to them and turned his head.

"Eh, oh hey Amatsuki." Kashitaro said, he smiled at the red eyed brunette.

"Hi Amatsuki~" Sakata greeted the male who smiled back.

"You're sure excited to see them." Urata commented as the others caught up to the red eyed brunette.

"I am?" Amatsuki titled his head as the albino laughed.

"Could someone be having a crush~?"

"E-Eh?!" Amatsuki's face flushed as he looked away, "n-no!"

"That answer was pretty quick." Nqrse teased as the red eyed brunette glared at them.


"Www is Amachan embarrassed~" Luz smirked at the red eyed brunette.

"N-No! I-I don't have a crush on anyone! I-I'd be breaking my promise!" Amatsuki widened his eyes as he realized what he said, "y-you guys didn't hear that!"

"Eh? So your promise is related to love too, huh~" Shima teased as the red eyed brunette looked away.

"I-I'm going ahead!" Amatsuki quickly picked up his pace as the others were laughing to themselves.

"Www his face was completely red." Sakata giggled as the brunette shook his head in amusement.

"He always did get annoyed whenever we teased him back then." Kashitaro said as the raven-haired chuckled a bit.

The others followed the red eyed brunette, who was still pouting and glaring at them.

"Ww sorry Amachan, it's just fun teasing you~" Mafu said as the red eyed brunette grumbled.

"Let's see how you like it when you're the one getting teased."

The guys walked to their classes, with the others going off on their own. Sakata and Senra were walking with the albino and red eyed brunette.

"So what exactly is your promise?" Sakata asked curiously as the red eyed brunette's cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

"N-Nothing important..."

"You can tell us~ we won't know who it is anyways."

"W-We promised not to say anything until we saw each other again."

"Aw~ how boring." Sakata crossed his arms in a pout.

"You're really nosy." Senra commented towards the redhead.

"I wonder who I got it from." Sakata muttered as he gave the blonde a side glance. Senra rolled his eyes.

"What are you going to do if you never find each other?" Mafu asked as the red eyed brunette shrugged.

"Then I might as well give up on it," Amatsuki frowned a bit as he held his moon shaped necklace in his hand, "but I really hope I do~"

"Isn't it easy to see who it is?" Senra said as the red eyed brunette looked at him.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now