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Senra was walking down the halls, thinking about his decision. Was is too quick of me to say something so bold? The blonde sheepishly laughed, he was regretting telling his brothers that he'd confess to Riku. Maybe I should reconsider—

The blonde stopped in his tracks to prevent himself from bumping into someone.

And that someone just happened to be the person he was just thinking about.

"E-Eh? O-Oh, hey Riku." Senra greeted the male, a small smiled appeared on his face.

"Hey." The indigo-haired male said as he looked at the blonde.

"So, what are you doing?"

Senra inwardly cringed, why am I so terrible at talking to him?

"I needed to get something for Sou." Riku said, the blonde smiled.

"You're always nice to your brother~"

"Yeah...just like how you're nice to Sakata and Soraru."

The blonde bashfully smiled at the comment.

"A-Ah, is that so..."

Riku saw the small blush on the blonde's face. He unconsciously smiled, ruffling the male's hair.

"I can see why Shima always enjoyed teasing you back then."

Senra widened his eyes, looking at the indigo-haired male.

"E-Eh? H-How..."

"I suddenly began to remember things. Like how I used to hang out with you and Shima." Riku said, the blonde inwardly smiled.

Ah~ so he remembers now. Does that mean that he remembers it was me.....? Senra felt nervous asking about the promise, fidgeting a bit in his spot.

"W-Well, I'm glad that you remember." Senra said as he beamed at the male.

"I'm sorry about upsetting you on that day." Riku stated as the blonde's smile slightly faltered once he remembered about that day.

Senra didn't know what to say, he wanted to ask if the male still liked him, but a part of him seemed to be against the idea. After debating against himself he finally spoke.

"D-Do you remember kissing your fiancée?"

"Eh?" The indigo-haired male tilted his head, "what do you mean kissing my fiancée?"

"On that day when I went to meet you, I saw you kiss your fiancée in front of me....."

Riku gave the blonde a confused expression, "but how? I had to do something so I was unable to make it."

"Then I was also tricked...." Senra muttered to himself, "just like Sakata."

"Hey Senra," the blonde looked at the male, "do you like me?"


Senra blushed, once the question entered his mind he was unable to reply.

"W-Well, I-I.....um...I-I...."

The blonde kept stuttering and spilling over his words. Riku just smiled as he patted the blonde's hair.

"You don't have to answer yet, I'll wait for your response." Riku began to walk away, not before glancing back at the male one last time, "just so you know, I still like you."

Senra stood still, not knowing how to react. He just listened to the indigo-haired male's footsteps as he walked away.

H-He still likes me.... The blonde felt happy, yet he was confused on why he didn't reply. I was waiting for this, so why am I unable to give him a response now? He just sighed to himself, wondering why his feelings are suddenly deciding to be all flip-floppy. I like Riku.....right?

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now