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The three males were walking to school, Soraru and Senra would glanced at each other before looking at the redhead. Sakata was staring at the ground, he looked as if he hadn't slept at all. The other two were concerned for the younger male.

Sakata hadn't told them anything about the dream, just that it was the same dream as usual, so Soraru and Senra didn't really know why he seemed more upset about it than usual.

"Sakata, are you sure you're fine?" Senra was worried for him, he only earned a nod from the redhead.

"We can just stay at home if you want." Soraru suggested.

"It's fine."

The raven-haired and blonde glanced at each other again. Worry could be seen clearly on their faces. As they were approaching the gate, they saw the redhead beam, though they couldn't tell if it was a genuine or fake smile.

"Hey guys." Amatsuki said as he smiled at the three.

"Hi Amachan~" Sakata said cheerfully, he ignored the concerned looks from the raven-haired and blonde.

"You're awfully cheerful." Urata commented, the redhead flinched upon hearing the male's voice.

"E-Eh, o-oh, g-guess I am." Sakata sheepishly said as he immediately looked away from the short brunette, confusing Urata at the male's behavior.

Sakata didn't know how to face the male, he didn't know what to do. He was worried that he'd end up getting hurt again. P-Plus Urata probably hates me.

The redhead then widened his eyes as the thought crossed his mind. He quickly glanced at the short brunette, but noticed that the short brunette hadn't said anything that shows that he remembers. Did he forget then?

Sakata then realized that the male hadn't reacted to him at all ever since they met. So only I remember now.... He felt a pang of guilt break his heart. He was going to have to hide this secret from the green eyed brunette. If I tell him....then he'll definitely hate me. He looked down at the ground in shame, i-it's my fault that his.....

"Sakata? Are you okay?" Urata asked, he was slightly concerned about the redhead's unusual behavior.

"I'm fine," Sakata quietly muttered as he grabbed the blonde's hand, "l-let's go to class Senra." He dragged the male away as he nade his way to the school.

"Is he okay?" Shima asked as the raven-haired shrugged.

Soraru then glanced at the short brunette. Could it be related to Urata? But I haven't seen anything happen between them. He sighed at how things seemed to have gotten complicated all of the sudden.

"You're worried about him." Kashitaro said as the raven-haired slowly nodded his head.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Nqrse said as he gave the male a reassuring smile.

"I hope so." Soraru said as he headed into the school, his doubt slowly rising.

Mafu looked at him before telling the red eyed brunette to go on without him. He ran to catch up to the raven-haired, linking their arms and holding his hand, causing the male to look at him.

"Cheer up~ I'm sure he'll be back to normal after a while." Mafu said as he smiled at the raven-haired.

Soraru felt himself smile after seeing the albino attempt to cheer him up. It takes just one smile from him to calm down my nerves. He looked away in embarrassment, earning a giggle from the albino as they walked to his class.

"Www those two are cute together~" Luz said as he looked at the pink haired male, "why can't we be like that~?"

"Because whenever I try you blush and end up pushing me away." Nqrse said as the light haired male blushed.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now