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The pink haired male and mushroom haired just nervously laughed as they watched the pink haired female angrily mutter.

"That brat, he'll—"

"I know you want to kill him but can't you do that later?" Nqrse said to the female, who let out one long, annoyed sigh from her mouth.

"Fine..." Hana muttered as she crossed her arms, "so what's the reason we're here Eve?"

She looked at the mushroom haired with a puzzled expression.

"Eh? We aren't waiting for Yuuto?"

Eve looked between the two, who had blank expressions on their face.


Eve sheepishly laughed at their comments before realizing that the teal-haired would just arrive whenever he wanted.

"We'll just tell him later, I'm tired and not waiting here until he decides to show up." Hana said, Nqrse nodded his head.

"Same here."

"Well, when I went with Shima to Outworld we saw Masamune, who gave us a note from the king and queen saying that we should leave."

"Why's that? Weren't you two there because they called you?" Nqrse questioned the mushroom haired.

"They said something suspicious was happening in the castle and didn't want to risk us getting possibly hurt."

"I kinda learned something about that actually," Hana said as she looked at the two males.

"You did?" Eve was surprised while Nqrse rose his eyebrow.

"So what is it?"

"You know how I found it weird that they told you and Shima to go since it seemed out of nowhere."

"Yeah cause they usually tell us beforehand, not literally at the moment." Nqrse commented, the pink haired female nodded her head.

"Well, seems like I was right, something strange happened," Hana made a concerned expression, "someone forged their handwriting and sent that note to you to make you come there."

"What?" Eve and Nqrse couldn't comprehend what the female just said.

"We were almost walking into a trap, the king and queen figured it out quickly and sent Masamune to give you the note to make you leave."

"So that's why...." Eve then began to get confused as a thought crossed his mind. Wait, but how did–

"They normally would've sent a guard but that would tell the person who sent the fake letter that they were there and things could've gotten worse." Nqrse stated, the pink haired female nodded her head.

"But how did they send that fake note to me?" Eve suddenly asked, causing the other two to look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Hana asked, the mushroom haired frowned as he thought more about it.

"While we were in Outworld Shima spotted someone in a cloak, probably looking for us, and I realized that they looked exactly like the person who gave me the note."

"But what's so strange about it? The notes are always sent from Outworld." Nqrse said, his face changed to confusion once he heard the mushroom haired's next words.

"But they gave it to me here, in the human world."

"Wait what?" Hana nervously laughed, not believing the male, "y-you're joking, right?"

Eve just shook his head, the two could tell that he wasn't lying.

"B-But the only way to go back and forth between these two worlds would be to go through the portal, the portal that only you can summon." Hana emphasized the 'you' part.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now