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Sakata was looking around the town, the hoodie of his cloak covering his red hair. He decided to cover himself, unconsciously feeling unsafe. The redhead was enjoying the small stroll until he felt someone tap his shoulder. He jolted before realizing that it was the short brunette.

"E-Eh? Urata don't scare me like that~"

"You really decided to wander off on your own?" Urata rose his eyebrow as the redhead nervously laughed.

"A-Ah...." Sakata sheepishly looked away from the short brunette's judging gaze.

"If I didn't find you I'm sure you would've ended up getting lost or something."

"Come on~ you say that as if I'm stupid enough to not pay attention to where I'm going," Sakata then became silent, avoiding the short brunette's deadpanned stare, "d-don't comment about that."

Urata just rolled his eyes, a question then popped into his head. "Why are you wearing the hoodie, you were literally walking for about five minutes."

"I-I guess I'm just paranoid, because of everything...." Sakata played with the sleeves of the cloak.

Urata found the gesture cute, a comforting smile made its way onto his face. He pinched the redhead's cheeks.

"You're fine, I'm here now."

Sakata blushed at the statement, his scared expression soon turned into a smile as he grinned at the short brunette.

"Urata is so nice~" Sakata then thought for a second before adding, "well, sometimes."


"Www, so what should we do?" Sakata asked, the green eyed brunette could still sense the uneasiness in the younger male's voice.

Urata saw a path leading into a small forest, he grabbed the redhead's hand and followed the path.

"E-Eh?" Sakata let out as he followed the male.

"You seem like you don't want to be here in the crowd so let's go somewhere else." Urata then mumbled something under his breath, "plus I don't want you to feel unsafe."

The two were walking along the path, Sakata could see different types of small animals, whether regular or mythical kinds, wander around. He looked back at his hand that was intertwined with the short brunette's. He blushed at the fact that it was the short brunette that made the move first. Usually I'm the one grabbing onto his hand.

They stopped walking once they spotted, well more like the short brunette noticed something, in the distance.

"What's that?" Sakata curiously asked as the green eyed brunette shrugged.

"Probably just a meadow or a small clearing."

"I wanna check it out~"

Sakata dragged the male off the path as they headed to the clearing. Once they arrived, the short brunette stayed still in his spot, widening his eyes at the sight.


Sakata was also silent as he just stared at the clearing. It was a building, some of it was burned down but it didn't seem as badly damaged as before.

The redhead took a few steps back, guilt and shame began to bubble into his heart. I-I know the truth, b-but I still get upset.... Sakata held onto his arm while the short brunette just looked at the sight.

"......guess they decided to begin fixing it." Urata commented as he saw a few parts of the building seem to look as if it was being repaired.


*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now