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"Hey Soraru, are you okay now?"

The group had been sitting in the room for a while now. They were afraid of possibly being spotted, mostly worried for the raven-haired and redhead, so they decided it would be best to stay there for a while to figure things out.

The raven-haired sighed as he rubbed his arm, "I think so...."

"Are you okay with telling us what exactly happened?" Nqrse asked as the raven-haired shifted his eyes to the side.

"U-Uhm, the important thing to know is that the king is dead and....." Shima glanced at the male, "...things might've turned complicated."

"Just know that it niichan was trying to protect us." Sakata quietly said as he gave them a weak, nervous smile, "b-but then an accident occurred."

"I think we can figure out the rest...." Kashitaro said as the light haired male gave the raven-haired a worried look.

"Y-You know that we don't hate you for what happened."

Soraru barely mustered the strength to give them a reassuring smile, "i-it's fine. I'm just tired..."

"Well now that you two are feeling a bit better to talk, what now?" Urata asked the others, "cause they're definitely already looking for him since they saw the sight."

"Was it a good idea to leave the knife there?" Mafu asked the purple-haired, "that just makes it easier for them to pin it on Soraru."

"Well sorry for being more worried about us getting caught," Shima muttered as he crossed his arms, "but it would've been bad if we removed it because they'd just think we're trying to hide the crime."

"What's done is done," Soraru said as he stood up from the bed, "we just need to find Senra and the others that are left and get out of Outworld. We'll figure something out on how to fix this mess once we're at least back home safe."

"Wouldn't we just be bringing danger there though?" Lon pointed out, "I mean they have someone that could make portals like Eve so they can just lie about being on the good side and give them a gateway to go after us there."

"Well, technically Soraru seems to be the one they're after." Amatsuki stated as the pink haired male shook his head.

"I think some of us are also going to be targeted. There's the possibility of rumors spreading and saying that we're accomplices and are trying to save him from punishment."

"So basically, we might just have a whole kingdom wanting our heads cut off," Kuro let out a huff as she sarcastically spoke, "how great."

"Though why would they want Senra?" Lon pondered, "wouldn't the people just hate him as much as they hate us? Since he's part of the family?"

"That we don't know," Nqrse said as he looked at the purple-haired, "you said that they didn't want to hurt him."

Shima nodded his head as he furrowed his eyebrows, "I can only assume it's because they want someone as a pawn so they could be easily given the status."

"But if they could control dad then why bother with Senra? How's he useful to them?" Sakata piped up, the short brunette shook his head in amusement.

"Your phrasing made that sound terrible."

Sakata stuck his tongue out, which resulted in the short brunette pulling his cheek.

"O-Ow, let go~"

"But at least you're back to your childish self." Urata quietly muttered to the redhead, who blushed when he saw the male's gentle smile.

"Okay so how are we going to find Senra?" Amatsuki gave them a confused look, "cause only Lon, Hana Nqrse can sense auras. Well, Soraru too with the pendant but we can't have Soraru roaming around."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now