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"We have to wake up."

The raven-haired groaned as he glared at the two males standing by the door.

"Go away, I want to sleep more."

"So do we," Sakata said, "but we have to get up early to get ready."

"The ball is later in the day, we have a couple more hours left," Soraru lazily said as he rolled over, his back facing the younger males, and closed his eyes.



"Hey niichan."


"He's not going to budge right?" Senra said as a short chuckle escaped his lips.

"If niichan's not going to wake up–"

"You'll force him to wake up?"

"–I'll go back to sleep too!"


Senra just watched the redhead walk to the older male's bed, flop beside him and close his eyes, immediately falling asleep. His arm hanging off the bed while the other over his stomach, one of his legs dangled off the bed.


Senra sighed at the two male's behavior, he stared at them for a few seconds before shrugging and joining the two, flopping himself on the raven-haired's bed. His legs were dangling from the edge of the bed while his upper body was resting over the redhead and the raven-haired.

The sight of the three males on the bed could be seen as a dog pile as the younger males were practically almost on top of the older male.

Soraru, who was almost close to falling asleep, felt the weight of the two male's on him. He groaned as he tried to push them off, but neither of the males seemed to move even the slightest. He continued to try to get away from them but his efforts didn't work.

"Oi! Get off of me."



"You three sure never change your habits even though you're older now." Aihi said as she tried to stifle her laugh at the sight of the three males.

"Get off me." Soraru mumbled again as he sat up with all the force he could give.

It was enough for him to finally escape their weight while also accidentally knocking them off his bed. Senra and Sakata opened their eyes before being greeted by the floor.

"Ow~ couldn't you have been more gentle?" Sakata whined as he lifted himself off the floor.

"At least warn us..." Senra rubbed his arm while the raven-haired rolled his eyes.

"I did, you guys just didn't listen."

"Mom~ Niichan's being rude~"

Aihi just giggled at their small bickering and began to walk away, not before reminding them about the ball.

"Remember that you guys need to get ready eventually. I don't want you three to do things last minute."

"We get it." Soraru responded as he got up from his bed.

"Didn't you say you were too tired?" Sakata stated, the raven-haired rolled his eyes.

"I was but you guys acting all annoying woke me up."

"We'll take that as an achievement." Senra jokingly said, getting up from the floor.

Sakata glanced at the clock, they had a bunch of time left before the ball began. I guess we can relax for a bit.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now