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Soraru sighed for the nth time during the walk to school. He glared at the redhead that was grinning cheerfully.

"Ww niichan is embarrassed~"

"Oi. Cut it out."

"Www but we never get to see you drop your cool face~"

"He's right for once," Senra said, "you're usually calm, sometimes not even reacting to things at all."

"It's like you're always on guard." Sakata stated as the raven-haired mumbled.

"Of course I would, after everything that happened..."

The other two looked down at the ground with upset expressions. A depressed atmosphere was beginning to float around them until Sakata smiled at the two.

"But you and Mafu look cute together~ why wouldn't I want to tease you niichan~" The redhead's bright smile broke any gloomy tension in the atmosphere.

The raven-haired shook his head at the redhead's childish reason. Leave it to Sakata to lighten the mood.

"I'm jealous~"


"Cause someone like niichan, who can be completely emotionless if he wants, had someone fall in love with him~"

"Oi." Soraru glared at the redhead for the comment. Sakata pointed at the blonde with a joking glare.

"Next thing we know, Senra ends up dating someone too."

"Eh?" The blonde said in confusion while the redhead giggled.

"I thought he'd be the one that wouldn't want to get attached to people." Soraru muttered as the blonde nodded his head.

"But this is Sakata we're talking about. He's free-spirited."

The two males looked as the redhead, who was still complaining. Soraru lazily kicked the ground while Senra lightly chuckled at the redhead's expression.

"At least he's getting over it." Soraru said as the blonde sadly smiled.

"Yeah, he's not having nightmares as frequent as before."

"What are you two talking about?" Sakata asked as he noticed that the two males weren't listening to him.

"That you're annoying." Soraru said as the redhead pouted.

"How mean~"

The three males made their way to the school. Of course Soraru couldn't escape the younger male's teasing. The raven-haired simply sighed as the redhead constantly annoyed him. They arrived at the gates and the first thing they noticed was the albino covering his face.

"Y-Yamete!" Mafu shouted as he gave them an annoyed look, but it didn't have any affect at all.

"Www how's it feel to be teased now?" Amatsuki asked as the albino attempted to intimidate him with a glare.

"Look who arrived~" Shima teased as the raven-haired glared at him.

"Oi. Shut up."

"How did you guys even find out?" Senra asked as the pink haired male chuckled a bit.

"Someone saw the two of them yesterday."

"And can you guess who that person was~?" Luz said as he glanced to the side. And as if it was planned, Kuro walked up to them with Lon behind her.

"Hi guys~" The red eyed blonde said as she grinned.

"Of course." Soraru said as he rose his eyebrow at the short female.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now