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It was a bright, sunny day, the pleasant summer breeze filled the air as children can be seen running around the town.

Summer break had just arrived so you were bound to see kids and teens fill the place as they enjoyed the nice summer days.

Parents would take their children to parks, the sidewalks would be covered with chalk drawings, kids were blowing bubbles, playing tag, and just being the kids they are.

The town was decent, not too big and crowded but also not too small and abandoned. You were capable of knowing your neighbors and the people around you. In the farther side of town stood an orphanage.

The building was pretty big, as it had to be big enough to fit so many little, chaotic children inside of it. They could be seen running all over the place as the adults tried to keep them under control.

The kids were laughing and playing around with each other. Almost all of them were socializing, except for three who were in the distance, watching to others play.

Two of them were about six years old while the other one was older by two years. They kept away from the others, staying in their own little corner.

It's not like the other kids don't like them or that they didn't want to play with them. It's just that the three didn't like interacting with them, they felt like they were outcast.

One of the three was watching the others run around while the youngest was trying to draw, though it wasn't turning out great. The older was reading a book with a bored, sleepy expression on his face.

They were just passing time until it was dinner. The older boy would sometimes glance at the younger two. Once the younger was done drawing he put the crayons down and held it out in front of the other two.

"Look Sowawu! Senwa!"

The older took his eyes of the book as the other mentioned turned to see the drawing and smiled. The younger one had drawn the three of them holding hands.

"Looks great Sakata." The blonde named Senra said as the older admired the younger's happy face.

"You're learning how to draw better." The older named Soraru said.

They were praising the redhead, known as Sakata, for his drawing when one of the caretakers came by. She smiled at the sight of them talking to one another.

"Soraru, why don't you and the other two go play outside. The weather is nice so you should enjoy it while you can."

The mentioned boy only groaned in slight annoyance, he didn't feel like leaving the cool room. The other two smiled and bounced with energy.

"Can we Soraru?"
"Pwease Sowawu!"

Soraru saw both of their puppy eyes, he couldn't say no to the adorable pleading looks. The raven-haired sighed before smiling.

"Okay, let's go."

He grabbed the both of them by the hand and led them outside to the backyard. The caretaker just smiled as they watched the three leave. They're such innocent children.

Once they were outside, Soraru let go of their hands as the two immediately headed for the swings.

The orphanage had a small playground in the backyard for the little kids to play on. Other kids were playing outside but the raven-haired ignored them as he watched the two younger ones.

Senra began to swing himself while Sakata looked at the older. The redhead looked like a small, pleading puppy.

"Sowawu, can you push me?"

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