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Senra was standing next to the other two males, watching the raven-haired scold the redhead. He just awkwardly shuffled in his spot, playing with the sleeve of his uniform. I still feel weird...

It had been a year since he became a part of their family. He sheepishly blushed in embarrassment as he remembered telling the king and queen that he didn't want to be alone.

He could remember their tears of happiness when he nervously asked if he could stay with them, which they gladly appreciated. And then he went from being a peasant thief to a prince in a day, though he still wasn't used to suddenly being treated like royalty by those around.

Plus some people seemed upset at the decision. Senra thought to himself as he remembered overhearing some people talk about him at the welcoming party. Then again, not everyone likes the idea of a low class suddenly get a high status....

"You're still nervous?" Soraru asked the blonde, who snapped out of his thoughts and sheepishly laughed.

"I-It's just a sudden change to what I'm used to, hehe." Senra rubbed his head in embarrassment, the raven-haired smiled while the redhead joined the conversation.

"These things are usually boring," Sakata said, he then looked at the raven-haired with puppy eyes, "can we do something else niichan~?"

"Why are you asking me?" Soraru said as the redhead smiled.

"Because you're the oldest."

Senra just nodded his head in agreement. The raven-haired looked at the two before sighing as he walked towards their parents, who were talking with some other adults.

Senra looked at the redhead in amusement, still surprised at how the raven-haired can easily give into him.

"You really enjoy using your puppy eyes."

The redhead childishly grin, "because niichan finds it adorable and can't say no~"

"They said we can go out, just not to far." Soraru said as he returned.

"Yay~" the redhead grabbed their arms and dragged them out of the wooden house.

Trees surrounded the building, flowers blooming all over the place, they could hear the chirps of birds and other animals nearby. They admired the beauty and peacefulness of the area. The raven-haired then noticed that the two younger males weren't wearing the pendant.

"You two forgot about it." Soraru said in a deadpanned voice while the other two tilted their heads in confusion.

"Forgot about what?" Senra said, the older male just pointed at their necks. The two looked down before realizing what he meant.

"Oh, h-hehe we forgot." Sakata sheepishly smiled while the raven-haired sighed.

"No wonder why you almost accidentally burnt mom when you hugged her earlier."

"Can we even get them? The castle seems far away from here."

The raven-haired pondered about it for a bit.

"I can get them, though this is the last time I'm getting them for you guys." Soraru said as he gave them a scolding gaze.

The other two just looked away, pretending that they didn't notice the raven-haired's gaze. Soraru rolled his eyes before heading back inside to tell their parents and coming back a few minutes later.

"You guys can walk around without me in the meantime." The raven-haired said as he began to walk back to the castle.

"You're going to walk all the way back?"

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now