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"We've looked around for a while, how haven't we found them yet?" Kashitaro said as the three males continued to walk around the castle.

"I mean, this castle is huge so that would explain it," Amatsuki stated as touched the star earring that dangled from his ear, "I've been curious on what this does?"

"Hm?" Shima let out as he saw someone walk across the hall, he noticed the pink hair and became a bit hopeful.

"Hey that might be either Hana or Nqrse," Shima was about to head there before stopping himself, "though...would it be wise to head towards them?"

Amatsuki had caught a glimpse of the person as his hands still played with the earring, soon he saw that everything around him turned into shades of red.

"E-Eh?" Amatsuki let out before he heard something.

Where are the guys? I'm kinda worried....

I haven't heard from the others and Luz wandered off somewhere while I was talking to someone.

I hope he's be okay.

"Eh? Nqrse?"

The brunette and purple-haired male looked at the red eyed brunette in confusion.


"I just heard his voice," Amatsuki said as his vision returned to normal, "I think that was him that just walked by."

"Was it the earring that let you know?" Kashitaro asked as the male just nodded his head.

"Let's go before we lose him," Shima said as he quickly walked to catch up to the pink haired male.

The other two followed, Amatsuki lightly touched his earring again, this is kinda cool. He smiled as he and Kashitaro turned around the corner to see the purple-haired bump his shoulder into the pink haired male.

"O-Ow," Nqrse said as he rubbed his shoulder, "you didn't need to do that..."

"Sorry Nqrse but you weren't listening when I called out your name." Shima sheepishly admitted as the male slightly pouted.

"A small tap would've been better...."

"Oh, you guys are here too," Nqrse spotted the other two before tilting his head, "Senra's not with you?"

"Here's the problem," Shima began to say in a nervous voice, "um....Senra was kidnapped by Haru who turned out to be working the bad guy."


Nqrse paled a bit, and here I was hoping things were okay.

"Have you told Soraru?"

"He couldn't find him," Kashitaro stated, "same with Eve or Hana."

"Same here, I even somehow lost Luz," Nqrse sighed and looked at the purple-haired, "though you aren't as panicked as I'd imagine you'd be so Senra's not in much danger right?"

"Haru mentioned how they needed him for something so I don't think they'd hurt him.....yet...and I kinda feel like he's somewhat safe for now."

"This is still bad, I've been feeling some sort of unease between Soraru and Sakata and that worried me," Nqrse placed his finger against his cheek, "so I decided to as a knight to try to check on the two but once I turned around Luz was gone."

"But," Nqrse looked at them worriedly, "now that you said that...I'm starting to think that I shouldn't have done that."

Amatsuki noticed the male's face was still pale, he touched his earring, his vision turning red as he looked at the male.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now