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"I can't believe I'm saying this but, this silence is making me wish they do something already." Senra said as he looked at the redhead and raven-haired, "the fact that they haven't even mentioned Soraru killing dad is worrying."

"That makes the two of us." Soraru said as the redhead raised his arm up as he was laying on the couch.


"They haven't even tried to at least kidnap you again or use Sou to make the portal and come here." Soraru stated as the blonde sighed.

"Maybe they just really wanted us to leave and never come back." Sakata said before frowning, "but then why bother making a deal with Senra about not killing us if he helped them?"

"Figures they'd do things to make us calm yet worried."

The three glanced as they saw Kuro jump out of the portal along with Eve.

"So how'd it go?" Soraru asked as the red eyed blonde let out a tired sigh.

"Same thing as before, I saw nothing that was too alarming. The people are just worried about your disappearances and wanting justice for the king and queen."

"Did you happen to find Haru or Maya?" Senra curiously asked, sitting up straight when he saw Kuro nod.

"Actually yeah, though they were pretending to act just as worried as the people." Kuro frowned, "what if they're using this time to gain the people's trust, then when they do say something everyone would just easily believe them?"

"That's one thing I thought of and it just makes me more anxious than before." Eve said as the other three slightly tensed up.

"True...if they had just said it immediately after then people would be skeptical...." Soraru muttered as the redhead sat up.

"T-Then we have to at least do something to make sure the people don't believe them!"

"But what? If they've already gotten some people to trust them then we can't just expect them to believe us." Senra said as the redhead look down.

"This is causing me a headache," Soraru rubbed his temples as he let out a sigh.

"So how's Mafu doing so far?" Kuro asked as the raven-haired made a sheepishly weak smile.

"He uh....locked himself in my room and said he wouldn't come out until he found out at least one thing."

"Well that's gonna be concerning..."

"Well guess it's your job to stay with him, the two of you all alone~" Senra teasingly suggested as the raven-haired shook his head.

"Nope, already tried, he wouldn't let me and said I'd just distract him."

"Is he wrong though?" Sakata jokingly said, Soraru pinched his cheek his annoyance.


"So how long has he been in there?" Eve asked, though he could probably already guess.

"Maybe three hours," Sakata stated, the red eyed blonde and mushroom-haired just sweatdropped.

"Alright that's it, I'm going to force him out," Kuro headed towards the raven-haired's room, after a few minutes the other four could see the albino being dragged by his shirt.

"W-Wait Kuro! Just give me a few more minutes! I might find something!"



"Let Soraru do it while you relax."

"But I'm not even tired, and I pretty much procrastinated most of the time."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now