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Sakata was linking his arm with the short brunette and happily chatting as the four of them walked to school. Soraru told the redhead to stay home if he still didn't feel well but Sakata reassured them that he was perfectly fine now.

"Look at you two being cute~" Senra teasingly cooed as the redhead blushed.

"W-Why are you teasing me about this!!? You didn't tease niichan when he first started dating Mafu?!?"

"Because Soraru doesn't always get embarrassed while you're always blushing at every comment."

"You just love to annoy me."

"Wwww Urata can witness the blushing face that he finds cute."

"I'll kill you if you continue talking." The short brunette threatened as a vein began to pop in his head.

Senra poked the short brunette's arm, sending a small shock to him. Urata jolted at the shock and glared at the blonde.


"I'm starting to think you have the mentality of a younger kid." Soraru said as he looked at the blonde in amusement.

"How mean Soraru."

"You deserve it." Sakata childishly said as he stuck out his tongue.

"That won't mean that I'll stop teasing you."

"....please just stop...." Sakata pleaded, he didn't know how much teasing he can take.

"Hey Urata, can you make Sakata shut up—?"


"—By kissing him on the– ow!"

"Y-Yamete!" Sakata shouted as he repeatedly smacked, albeit weakly, the blonde's arm.

"Www your face pretty much matches your hair."

Soraru was praying that the two males would stop bickering before he gets irritated, well even more irritated than he already is. Their banter continued on for a couple of minutes.

"Oi, shut up!" Soraru shouted after hearing their pointless back and forth.

"He started it." Sakata and Senra said as they pointed at each other.

"I'm starting to wonder why I fell in love with this idiot?" Urata muttered to himself while the raven-haired sighed.

The four arrived at the gate, the albino greeted them before noticing the short brunette was with them.

"Eh? Urata's with you guys?" Mafu asked, the raven-haired was about to say something until the blonde beat him to it.

"He stayed over for the night, you should've seen him. He was—"

Urata punched the blonde's arm, who gave him an annoyed expression as he rubbed his arm.

"He what?" Kashitaro asked as the short brunette crossed his arms, still glaring at the blonde.

"Not important."

"I wanna know~" Luz whined but the short brunette wasn't going to let them know about that.

"Ah~ so you and Sakata are finally dating, how cute~"

The redhead and green eyed brunette blushed while the teal-haired giggled.

"Www I was beginning to wonder that things might've turned out worse than I thought." Yuuto said as he grinned, the short brunette glared at him.

"Oi, what do you want?"

"H-How'd you know?!?" Sakata exclaimed as Yuuto made a fake thinking face.

"I just noticed that you guys seem closer than before," he smiled innocently, "plus I saw you guys holding hands, and Urata wouldn't just let anyone link their arms with his."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now