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The three males were walking home from school, the calm breeze around them made the walk peaceful. Their conversations were the same as always, just simply them talking about whatever crossed their mind. They didn't have school the next day so the three could relax and not have to worry about much.

"Are we going to do anything tomorrow?" Sakata asked as the blonde shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, it's up to Soraru."

The redhead glanced at the raven-haired with a curious look. Soraru was thinking about what their options could be.

"We could just stay home." Soraru stated as the redhead pouted.

"But it gets boring eventually~"

"Then do you have a specific place you want to go to?" Soraru questioned the redhead, who became silent.

"Well... no. B-But I just want the three of us to hang out together~"

"But we're always together." Senra pointed out as Sakata sighed.

"Yeah, but sometimes it's just the three of us in the same room but doing different things~"

"You know you're annoying sometimes." Soraru muttered as the redhead crossed his arms.

"Niichan's being mean~"

Soraru semi-glared at the redhead before sighing. He pinched the younger's cheeks. Sakata whined and complained about the small pain while Senra shook his head in amusement.

"You're lucky you're like a little brother to me." Soraru said as he let go of Sakata's cheeks.

The redhead rubbed his cheeks before grinning brightly. He tackled the raven-haired into a hug, almost making the two of them fall to the ground.


"Oi. Stop doing that."


"You're like an uncontrollable puppy." Senra commented as the redhead glared at him with a small hint of irritation on his face.

"Why do the both of you always have to bully me~?"

"It's our job as the oldest." Senra jokingly said as Sakata puffed his cheeks out.

"You're only older than me by a few months."

"I'm still older though."



"No you're not." Sakata said as he broke up the hug with the raven-haired to cross his arms and puff out his cheeks.

"Okay, let's get back home quickly before you two start bickering and use your powers on one another." Soraru jokingly said as he began to walk ahead of the two. Both of the younger males looked at him unamused.

"We wouldn't do that."
"We don't always bicker."

"Sure you don't. I'll keep a mental note on that for the next time you guys argue."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now