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Kashitaro just shook his head as he watched the red eyed brunette run around the place. Amatsuki had a huge grin on his face, completely amazed at everything he saw.

"Was it a good idea for the two of us to go alone? We both don't know about Outworld at all, the others at least have some memory or they're with someone that's from here." Kashitaro stated as the red eyed brunette turned his head to look at him.

"We'll be fine~" Amatsuki reassured him, the brunette just let out a sigh.

"If we get lost it's your fault."

"Hey! I'm not the one with a bad sense of direction!"

"What are we going to even do?" Kashitaro asked as he looked around the village.

He could see people chatting with one another, there were small shops set up with different things being sold. Kids were running around the place, playing with their magic. The brunette could see trees a few feet behind the village, indicating that there was more out there to see outsider the village.

"Hey look there's a cave here." Amatsuki said as he pointed to it. It seemed to light up, shades of blue glowed in it.

"Do you want to check it out?" Kashitaro asked as the red eyed brunette eagerly nodded his head.

Amatsuki dragged the brunette into the cave, it wasn't that big of a cave, just enough to feel the cold air around them. They were mesmerized by the crystals shining brightly, lighting up the place.

"Wow, soo pretty~" The red eyed brunette was in awe while the brunette looked at him.

Kashitaro let out a small chuckle, the crystals made it seem like the red eyed brunette was surrounded by its glow. The red eyed brunette's eyes shined like rubies due to the crystal's reflection.

Kashitaro could only just stare at the person in front of him, a smile forming on his face. He was already pretty but the crystals make him look even more beautiful. Amatsuki finally noticed the brunette's stare and tilted his head.


"Nothing, just admiring you." Kashitaro teased, causing the red eyed brunette to blush and looked away.

"L-Let's go look around the village again." Amatsuki stuttered, embarrassed by the male's comment, as he linked his arm with Kashitaro's.

The two looked around at the merchandise and items being sold. One of the shop owners spotted the two and smiled.

"Kashitaro it's been awhile."

"Eh?" The brunette let out as the shop owner chuckled.

"Ah right, your memories were taken away." The shop owner smiled at the males, "I remember you two were always with Soraru back then, along with Lon, Kuro, and Mafu."

"I kinda keep forgetting that we've been here before." Amatsuki sheepishly admitted as the shop owner laughed.

"The three of you always came here trying to buy a sword for Kashitaro."

"A sword? Why?" The brunette asked as the shop owner made a sheepish expression.

"So they also made you forget that. Well, you're the son of the famous knights."

"....eh?" Kashitaro couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Yuuto really loves keeping things from us so we end up learning about it on our own." Amatsuki muttered while the shop owner gave them a friendly smile.

"You'd always say how you'd try to be the best knight you can to protect your friends. Especially Amatsuki."

The two brunette's blushed and avoided looking at the shop owner, who just laughed at their embarrassed expressions.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now