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Senra was staring out of the classroom window, he was thinking over what he had just told the purple-haired. Maybe I'm being irrational. The blonde sighed as he glanced to the side, just in time to see the other three arrive. He greeted them with a smile, though the three males seemed concerned.

"Are you okay?" Amatsuki asked, causing the blonde to tilt his head.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's just that you suddenly left, we were kinda worried about you." Mafu stated as Senra sheepishly rubbed his neck.

"Ah, s-sorry for worrying you guys, I just didn't want to get to class late." Senra wanted to punch himself for such a weak and terrible lie.

The three males rose their eyebrows but didn't question it any further. Mafu and Amatsuki went to their seats while the redhead sat down in his seat next to the blonde.

"Was it your memories?" Sakata asked, the blonde just laughed weakly.

"Since when were you able to figure things out quickly?"

Sakata just gave him an annoyed gaze before it turned into a concerned expression.

"Are you really okay—"

"Ah, so Senra now remembers that it was Riku who broke his promise." Yuuto's sudden voice caused the two to jump slightly.

"You always appear out of nowhere." Senra commented as the teal-haired giggled.

"I just like surprising people~"

"Eh? It was Riku, Sou's older brother, that made the promise with you." Sakata was surprised by this.

"Yep~ and I'm pretty sure that you're thinking about trying to see if there's still any feelings between you two." Yuuto said to the blonde, who shifted his gaze away.

"Eh?! Seriously?!" Sakata exclaimed, he quieted down after seeing the blonde's annoyed glare. "Sorry, but why? You were pretty upset when he hurt you before."

"You and Urata hurt each other back then, yet the both of you are happy together." Senra commented, the redhead slightly blushed.

"C-Can we just forget about that....?"

"So you want to see if the same thing happens to you." Yuuto said as he let out a small sigh. I kinda pity Shima.....but this will also be fun to watch~

"Well, I'm not sure whether to say good luck or that you should give up, so I'll say I wish you luck in failing~" Yuuto grinned at them before going to his seat.

"I don't think that's a good thing to say..." Sakata nervously said as the blonde rolled his eyes.

"Maybe I shouldn't do this...." Senra muttered to himself as he rested his head on his hand.

"I guess just see how things turn out...? If Riku happens to show that he has interest in you then good for you, if not then...." Sakata thought for a few seconds before grinning, "you can go for Shima~"

"E-Eh?" Senra almost choked on air after hearing the redhead's words.


"W-What makes you say that?"

"It was just a suggestion, unless you actually do like him." Sakata teasingly smirked at the male.

"......I'm starting to wish I never teased you before."

"Www you finally get a taste of your own medicine."

Senra just turned his head away, feeling his cheeks warm up. Sakata's just an idiot. The blonde then turned his attention towards the teacher that had just arrived, deciding to not think about his feelings at the moment.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now