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The raven-haired was laying around in his room, glancing at the ceiling with a bored look on his face. He had nothing to do since Sakata was hanging out with Urata, and Senra was with Shima and Riku.

Well, at least those two finally have someone they can trust. The raven-haired faintly smiled as he recalled how the redhead would be nervous to talk to others while the blonde had trouble opening up to them.

"Hey Soraru!"
"Sorry for intruding."

The raven-haired just gave the two figures an annoyed looked for barging in his room. Kashitaro just grinned, not fazed by the glare, while Lon sheepishly apologized again.

"You two really enjoy barging in whenever you want."

"How else can we get you to leave the castle, you're too lazy to do it on your own." Kashitaro stated while the female blonde just giggled.

"Kashi has a point there~"

The raven-haired just grabbed a small pillow and threw it at the brunette. Kashitaro just grabbed it and threw it back at the male, who made no intention of moving and just let it hit him.

"Come on, you're clearly bored." Lon stated as she sat at the edge of the bed.

"That doesn't mean I want to go out."

"Well too bad." Kashitaro said as he dragged the raven-haired off the bed.

"Lon said that she wants us to visit the human world so we can see it."

"Why should we? You two have already been to it before."

"Just cause we're from it doesn't mean much. I've only lived there for a bit before moving here when I was younger. Plus Lon wants us to go so we can meet her friend."

The brunette had moved to Outworld once his parents had died due to an illness. He learned that a family member was a knight here, who then decided to take care of the brunette. He would sometimes go back and forth between the two worlds to hang out with the female blonde, who he had befriend before he moved.

Lon, who's from the human world, only knew about Outworld through the stories her parents would tell her about her ancestors. One day the brunette decided to bring her with him to meet the raven-haired. At first Lon was a bit nervous about coming into a new world, but she soon became accustomed to it. Now she wanted the raven-haired to visit her world.

Soraru glanced between his two eager friends before sighing, "fine."

The brunette grinned in satisfaction while the female blonde smiled. The both of them gave each other a high five with the raven-haired playfully rolled his eyes.

"It'll be fun~ you get to experience a new place." Lon said as she gave the male a reassuring smile.

"If I end up hating it–"

"You won't~ I mean Senra's been to it before with Shima and Riku and he didn't hate it."

"Wait what?" Soraru looked at the brunette with a confused expression.

"Oh right, he told me to not mention it."

"You don't seem that sorry about it." Lon pointed out as the brunette grinned.

"It's fine~ not like Soraru would get upset since he trust Shima."

"Just like how he trust Urata with Sakata," Lon pointed out, "what a sweet older brother~"

"Shut up before I change my mind."

"Even if you did we'd still drag you." Kashitaro stated, to which the raven-haired just sighed because he knew that they would actually do so.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now