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Urata was walking back to his class, enjoying the silent quietness. That was until he almost ran into the teal-haired.

"Oi! Watch where you're going!" Urata barked as Yuuto giggled.

"Www how mean Urata~"

The green eyed brunette glared at the male, causing Yuuto to giggle again. Urata then noticed that the male had just come from the student council room.

"You're in the student council?" Urata said in disbelief. He couldn't believe someone as mischief and annoying as Yuuto could be in it.

"How rude~ but no I'm not." Yuuto said as he crossed his arms behind his head.

"Then why were you—"

"You're pretty curious for someone that doesn't usually care. I wonder why~"

"Never mind. You're annoying." Urata walked past the male to go back to his room. Yuuto grinned and followed the short brunette.

"Aw~ you don't want to talk to me~"

"Leave me alone."

"Wwww but if it was Sakata then you'd be okay with it."

The green eyed brunette stumbled after hearing the teal-haired's comment. Urata gave him a side glare while the male giggled.

"Looks like I hit bullseye~"

"Shut up."

"Www who knew the famous Urata Wataru would fall in love with the precious Sakata~"

The short brunette tensed up after hearing the teal-haired say his last name. Urata stopped walking and quickly looked at him in shock.

Yuuto just giggled, wonder how things will play out. The male walked closer to the green eyed brunette until his face was a few inches away.

"Urata Wataru, you're parents are away on a trip.....at least that's what you tell everyone." Yuuto grinned as he poked the short brunette's nose, "but that's a lie~ There's a different reason for their disappearance."

Urata could only widen his eyes as the teal-haired smiled innocently.

"You're parents are actually dead. What was the cause of their death? Well you know a little bit of it, but the rest is for later~" Yuuto stated as he turned to walk away, "you just hide it from everyone else, simply because you don't want to lose your pride and have people pity you. Or it could be for another reason that even you don't know."

"How do you know that?" Urata said in a threatening tone, finally snapping out of his shocked state.

The only other people that knew about it were the guys and the principal. He simply just made up the lie so that other people wouldn't question him.

Yuuto just turned his head back to glanced at the short brunette, a smirk on his face as be chuckled.

"That's confidential." Yuuto then pressed his finger against his lip, "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about your secret~ my lips are sealed."

The teal-haired left the area as Urata was trying to understand the events that just occurred. How does he know? The green eyed brunette narrowed his eyes at the male's disappearing figure before turning around to walk back to class. He was beginning to get suspicious of the teal-haired.

Just who exactly is he?


Sakata was resting his head on his hand as he listened to the teacher's boring voice. He was about to summon his power before stopping himself. I don't want to make the same mistake as before. The redhead sighed as he went back to listening to the teacher teach.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now