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Urata and Shima were heading to the roof after the lunch bell rang. They were just talking about whatever came into their mind until the short brunette felt someone tackle him from behind. Shima just laughed while the male glared at his culprit.

"Oi! Don't do that idiot."

"Wwww but it's fun~" Sakata playfully said as he giggled again. The short brunette just sighed as he crossed his arms.

"You guys are so cute~" Shima teased, laughing again at their embarrassed expressions.

"Shima." Urata threatened the purple-haired while Sakata just pouted.

"Why can't you just confess to Senra so I can start teasing him~?"

Shima's face was the one to turn red now after hearing the redhead's comment. Sakata just giggled while Urata smirked at the male's expression.

"How's the taste of your own medicine?"

"Terrible." Shima gave them an annoyed expression.

"Www Shima's embarrassed~" The redhead grinned while the purple-haired sighed.

"You two being together is actually a bit frightening."

Urata just rolled his eyes before he felt someone tackle him from behind again.


"How cruel~, when Sakata does it you soften up a bit but for others you look as if you're going to kill them." Yuuto fake pouted for a split second before a grin formed on his face.

"Because he loves~ Sakata." Shima had a big teasing grin on his face, forgetting about his embarrassment from before.

The short brunette was about to snap his fingers to summon vines to cover their mouths but stopped when he saw the black-haired male approach them.

"I looked away for one second and you're gone." Haru said as the teal-haired giggled.

"Because I saw them and wanted to pester them for a bit~"

"You sure do enjoy being mischief." Haru gave the male an amused expression.

"It's just fun to see Urata get irritated whenever I tease him about his adorable boyfriend~" Yuuto pinched the redhead's cheeks as he spoke.

"S-Swop." Sakata pleaded, the teal-haired ignored him.

"Oi." Urata threatened as he glared at the male.

"Www see, always so defensive when it comes to Sakata~ I wish I had someone like that," Yuuto fake pouted before jokingly perking up, "oh wait I do. And it's Sakata~"

The redhead just nervously laughed as the male hugged him. Yuuto stuck his tongue out towards the short brunette that was glaring at him.

"You're going to make Urata punch you if you keep annoying Sakata." Haru stated as the teal-haired smirked.

"As if Urata would try to hurt me."

"Want to test me?" Urata threateningly asked.

"You know what I'm capable of." Yuuto bluntly stated as an innocent smile, that also seemed threatening, rested on his face.

Urata's glare slightly faltered, he then sighed and crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Wow, you actually scared him a bit." Haru said in amusement as the teal-haired smiled proudly.

"I'm sure anyone would be scared of him when he smiles like that." Shima muttered as the redhead nervously nodded his head.

"Then again, you always managed to find a way to get rid of people that went against you." Haru stated, causing the other three to stare at the teal-haired in slight fear.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now