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"What do you mean we shouldn't do anything? We have to do something quick before things get worse!" Shima exclaimed as his parents gave him a solemn frown.

"They haven't done anything yet, good thing I stopped you a few days ago before you and your friends risked getting into trouble." His mother said as the purple-haired tried to protest.

"As you said, yet. Hana's making sure to make things to help the others without powers, Mafu's already trying to learn a special spell, we can do something before they—"

"And what if those don't work? You'll end up being too exhausted from all that, making it easier for them to deal the final blow." Shima's father said as he gave him a worried look.

"You guys weren't planning on just rushing in right after Mafu learns the spell?"

Shima and Eve stayed silent, nervously glancing at each other then at their parents.

"Even if Mafu knows it, how can you be sure that they might not have a plan to stop you guys. After all, they're known to use forbidden and dangerous spells, so it's possible they have something to stop it."


"I would agree with them," Genta said as he looked at the purple-haired and mushroom-haired male, "I can see that all of you are very capable but the situation isn't just about them being kicking the princes out."

"What makes you say that dad?" Eve asked as the principal frowned.

"They definitely want to kick the princes, but they might also try to take their powers and then wreck havoc here."

"What do they benefit from causing damage here?" Shima worriedly asked.

"It's more that they want to install fear in people. If those that oppose them try to run away from Outworld to here then they wouldn't feel safe if the humans hated them."

"But they have powers, the humans don't, so people from Outworld wouldn't be worried, right?" Eve asked, not understanding how that would be dangerous.

"There are more people here that know about Outworld besides us, and some of those people are in high statuses and power," Shima's father said as he frowned, "they'd most likely try to get rid of people with powers because of their fear."

"Plus the princes would likely be in even more danger, no longer being safe here either." Shima's mother added on as the other two males stayed silent.

"Also, you guys being gone would raise suspicion on some people, I'm sure that they have some spies here." Genta stated as the purple-haired and mushroom-haired glanced at each other.

"So we're really just going to sit and do nothing, I doubt Soraru and the others would be happy at not being able to help?" Shima bluntly asked, sounding annoyed at the idea.

"Of course we can't stop you entirely unless we decide to lock you guys up, but we know that you guys want to save the others," Genta said as he gave them a small smile, "at least lay low as to not catch any possible enemy's eye. Once we believe it is the right moment then you guys can go."

"Okay..." the two males dejectedly said as the three adults weakly smiled.

"They might try to get you guys here so be on watch for now, in the meantime think more about your plan than just relying on Mafu, because they might know that and he'd be their first priority. You guys can leave now."

The two males left the principal's office, sighing as the door closed behind them.

"I can see why we shouldn't just go now, but I don't want it to be that we waited for too long and then it becomes too late..." Shima said as the mushroom-haired nodded his head.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now