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"It's kinda strange how all of us manage to fit in this room." Senra said in amusement as he looked at the others.

"This is a prince's room so it'd definitely be bigger than an average room." Amatsuki stated.

"I'm still surprised at how Soraru's a prince, he doesn't act like one." Urata teasingly said as the raven-haired glared at him.


"Same could be said for you." Kuro muttered under her breath as the green eyed brunette glared at her.

"Oi, shorty shut up."

"Hey! You're one to talk!"

"And I'm not a prince."

"Yes you are!"

"Can you guys not shout? It's too early for this." Lon said as she looked at the two short people of the group.

"I sometimes look at this group of friends and wonder why I became friends with you guys..." Kashitaro looked at the others with a sheepish smile.

"I'm amazed at how Soraru can tolerate Sakata." Mafu jokingly said, causing a reaction from the redhead that was zoning out.


"You guys are noisy as always," Riku said as he looked up from a book, "why was I invited in the first place?"

"Because you wanted to spend time with your great friend~" Shima teased, the indigo-haired male just rolled his eyes before returning to look at the book.

"How much longer~?" Sakata whined as he rolled over on his bed.

"Quit whining idiot."


"You guys look bored."

The group looked at the pink haired male that was standing in front of the door frame. Nqrse just waved at them.

"There's nothing to do~ Our parents won't let us leave until they're done with whatever important thing they're talking about." Sakata whined, unconsciously hugging Urata's arm, who also didn't seem to notice the action.

"They told us they're almost done," Hana said as she stood next to Nqrse, "so–"

"So just wait and then we can all act reckless once they finish~" Yuuto cut off the pink haired female, who just glared at him.

"Don't give Mafu and Amatsuki any ideas." Soraru said with a small sense of fear in his voice.

"Same with Kuro and Lon," Kashitaro added, earning a light smack on the arm by the two girls, "hey!"

"If you guys want to then you can just leave from the balcony~ we can vouch for you." Yuuto said, Hana just gave the teal-haired male a soft bonk on the head.

"You'll just tell end up snitching and then laugh at them for getting in trouble."

"Nqrse help me~ Hana's being mean~" Yuuto fake cried as he hugged the pink haired male.

"Why would I help you?"

"Even Nqrse is mean to me~"

"Quit being annoying," Hana said as she sighed and looked at the group, "anyways we have to go back, but just know that they're almost done."

The three then left to go back to where the adults were. Amatsuki crossed his arms as he pondered about something.

"You know, we can sneak out and then have Mafu teleport us back here before they notice."

"Not happening."

"Wow, rejected by both Soraru and Urata." Kuro said with a small chuckle.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now