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Shima and Urata were in the purple-haired's room, the short brunette was staying over for the night. Urata was just scrolling through his phone while the purple-haired was playing a video game. The room was filled with the noises of the purple-haired pushing the buttons until they heard his parent's.

Urata just continued to look at his phone as Shima paused his game. The purple-haired was eavesdropping, though he couldn't hear some of the words since they sounded inaudible.

"I wonder why they decided this so sudden?"

"Could it be that...."

"But how if they....unless....."

"I'm just hope that he.......or else....."

"I'm a bit worried about......will they be fine?"

"Who knows, but we'll just have to see what......until then let's not......"

"Eh? What are they talking about?" Shima questioned as the other male shrugged.

"Who knows."

Shima was curious about his parent's conversation, but he knew that they'd dodge the topic if he asked. He resumed the game, pushing the curiosity in the back of his mind for now. It's like everyone is keeping some secret from me. Shima then let out a sheepish laugh.

"Well, I'm kinda doing the same thing too." Shima muttered to himself.

"So when are you going to tell them?" Urata asked as if he knew what the purple-haired meant.

"Is another one of your powers mind reading?" Shima jokingly asked as the short brunette rolled his eyes.

"Are you going to tell them or not?"

"They'll eventually find out." Shima waved his hand at the short brunette's question before going back to concentrating on the game.

But it seemed impossible as another thought crossed his mind. Only this time it was a specific person, a specific blonde male.

A forbidden love... The purple-haired thought back to what the blonde told him. I kinda had the same thing, well, for me it was one-sided though. He sighed as he turned off the game, a small yawn escaping his mouth.

"Well I'm going to sleep, see ya Shima." Urata said as he left the male's room and headed to the guest room.

Shima got up and flopped onto his bed, thinking back to his childhood. If Urata was able to meet his friend, wonder if I'll meet him again. Soon sleep began to surround him in its clutches as he closed his eyes.


"You're keeping this a secret from your parents?"

"Shh! Don't be so loud!"

"Says the one that's shouting."


"Well, I just think your parents should know that you're meeting someone."


"What if they find out that you've been sneaking out of the house, mostly at night, to meet your friend?"

"They won't know~"

"Because I keep making excuses for you."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now