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Mafu was walking down the halls heading towards the student council room. Amatsuki was walking beside him, the two were going to check on the raven-haired and brunette. Well, more like Kuro forced them to go and make sure the two were actually doing anything.

"Why can't Kuro go check on them herself?" Amatsuki whined as the albino sheepishly laughed.

"You know how she is." Mafu replied, making the red eyed brunette cross his arms.

"More like how good she's at blackmailing people."

Mafu let out a weak sigh, the red eyed blonde had used sneaky tactics to get the guys to do things before. She always manages to find out about embarrassing things.

The two were now standing in front of the student council room. Amatsuki opened the door, spotting that the raven-haired resting his head in his arms while Kashitaro was playing around with a pencil in his hand.

"You guys aren't even doing anything!" Mafu scolded the two, the brunette and raven-haired looked up once they heard the albino's voice.

"Eh? We already finished." Soraru said in a bored tone as he went back to resting his head.

"Huh?" Amatsuki and Mafu both said in surprise.

"We're just waiting for Lon to come back and check it." Kashitaro stated as he went back to twirling the pencil in his hand.

"Y-You guys finished that quick?!" Amatsuki yelled in shock, "it's been only an hour!!"

"There wasn't really much to do, just making sure everything is in order." The brunette replied, he chuckled at seeing the red eyed brunette's mouth opening and closing in shock.

"I'm just surprised you actually finished early, I would've thought that you two would've procrastinated or not have even started by the time we got here." Mafu said, causing the raven-haired to lift his head up to glare at him.

"Oi. What do you think of us?"

"That you're lazy." Amatsuki commented as he smiled at the raven-haired.

Soraru rolled his eyes as he sat up, just in time for the blonde female to come into the room.

"Oh, hey Mafu, Amatsuki." Lon greeted the two males, who waved at the female.

"Here's the papers." Soraru said as he got up to hand the blonde female the filled put papers. Lon took a glance at it before smiling.

"Thanks Soraru."

"No problem."

"I don't get a thank you too?" Kashitaro jokingly complained as the blonde female giggled.

"Thanks Kashi."

"You're welcome~"

"Well I'm leaving now, see ya guys." Soraru said as he headed out of the room.

"www he left pretty quick." Amatsuki said as the brunette shook his head in amusement.

"His little brothers are waiting for him to come back home~" Kashitaro teased as Lon giggled again.

"He never really liked leaving them alone," she then looked down with a small sad smile on her face, "especially after what happened to them."

Kashitaro heard the blonde female, his happy expression faltered a bit as he remembered about certain events, before it went back to his cheerful smile.

"Well Lon, if you need anymore help you can just ask us. Cause I'm sure that even if you don't, Kuro will make us." Kashitaro said as he waved goodbye to the three.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now