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The guys were all downstairs, waiting for one more person to arrive. Nqrse had already texted Eve, who was a bit hesitant at first but eventually gave in once the pink haired male reassured him. The mushroom-haired told him that he'd wait for them in the library.

"Hurry up niichan~"

"Can't you guys be a bit more patient?" was the response they heard from the male upstairs.

As Soraru was about to leave his room he spotted the pendant on his night stand, staring at it for a while before deciding to take it with him. Mom and Dad gave it to me so I should wear it at least.

Just as he grabbed it, he felt a small pain struck his arm, as if someone had lightly punched him even though no one was with him. He stared at the pendant again, with a more anxious and confused expression. It looked like the red parts of it were slowly glowing.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly and it wasn't his eyes playing tricks on him. But it was, in fact, glowing. E-Eh? What is this?

"Niichan, Urata's being mean to me~"
"Oi, no I'm not."

The raven-haired heard the redhead's whine from downstairs, placing the pendant in his pocket, and he left his room. As he walked down the stairs he spotted the redhead looking at the green eyed brunette with a pouting expression.

Sakata was rubbing his arm, which cause Soraru to look at the pendant again. Could that be why I felt the small pain? His brain was trying to piece his thoughts together.

While the others were chatting with each other, the albino noticed the older male's puzzled expression and walked towards him.

"You seem confused." Mafu said as he looked at the object in the male's hand.

"Just trying to understand why my parents told Nqrse to give it to me." Soraru said as he was about to put the pendant back in his pocket.

But Mafu swiftly grabbed the pendant before he did, gently wrapping it, and smiling once the pendant was hanging on the male's neck. Soraru just gave him an amused look while Mafu smiled. The albino blushed once he felt the raven-haired give him a small peck on the cheeks.

"W-Well, let's get going~!"

Mafu's cheeks started to warm up as he spoke because of Soraru's action, not used to him being affectionate out of nowhere. He linked his arm with the raven-haired, a big smile on his face, and pulled the male along with him as they made their way to the library.

Soraru chuckled at the albino's action, his mind slowly beginning to forget about his curiosity over the pendant.


The guys entered the library, there weren't that many people so they weren't worried about being seen. The guys began to search for the mushroom-haired male.

"I don't see Eve yet, what about you guys?" Sakata looked at the others but they just shook their heads.

"Guess we'll just have to wait." Luz said, just as he sat in one of the chairs they heard a voice.

"Oh, there you guys are."

The guys looked at the mushroom-haired male that had just arrived who greeted them with a smile.

"What took you so long?" Amatsuki questioned the mushroom-haired male.

"He literally got here like a few seconds later than us, idiot." Urata mumbled, the red eyed brunette pouted at the comment.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now