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Mafu was standing by the school gates with the others. He was nervous about his 'date', as Amatsuki called it, with Soraru. I-I know I said that I would confess to him today....but I'm starting to think that maybe I shouldn't. The albino was ready to chicken out and tell the raven-haired that they didn't have to hang out until Amatsuki tackled him in a hug.

"H-Hey Amachan!" Mafu exclaimed as the red eyed brunette laughed.

"Good luck~, not that you'll need it."

"W-What are you saying?" Mafu pretended to be confused by the male's statement. Amatsuki just continued to laugh.

"You know what I mean~"

"It won't work." Mafu was already thinking of all the possible negative events that could occur.

"Geez, people see you as an angel that's always happy yet here you are being pessimistic."

"What's taking them so long?" Luz whined as the others rolled their eyes.

"If it's not Urata complaining about us being late, then it's Luz." Shima said, earning a small 'hey' from the light haired male.

"Aren't they in your class? Why don't they just leave with you guys?" Urata asked as he looked at the albino and red eyed brunette.

"Senra and Sakata actually left immediately once the bell rang." Amatsuki said as he remembered seeing the redhead drag the blonde away.

"Why's that?" The green eyed brunette asked, he noticed that the guys were staring at him, "what?"

"Nothing, just a bit shocked that you seem to be curious about them. You usually don't care about other people's lives." Nqrse stated, to which the short brunette made a confused noise.

"Eh? Really? I never noticed."

"Could there be a reason~" Shima teased as he poked the short brunette's cheek.

"Oi. Shut up." Urata smacked the purple-haired's hand away from his face and glared at him.

Right as when Kashitaro was going to begin teasing the short brunette, he heard the blonde's voice.

"Sorry we're late." Senra said as he and the redhead approached them.

"Where's Soraru?" Kashitaro asked as the redhead giggled to himself before smiling at them.

"Niichan has to help Lon so he told us to go ahead without him."

"But you never separate yourself from him, you're always glued to his side." Urata stated as he rose his eyebrow.

"He forced us to leave without him." Senra said as the redhead nodded his head.

"Guess we should get going—" Amatsuki was cut off too as the albino let out a small 'welp' once he felt someone grab his wrist.

"I need to talk to Mafu about something soo~ see you guys tomorrow." Sakata said, a big grin on his face, as he dragged the confused albino away.

"Um...okay then, I guess?" The red eyed brunette said, a hint of confusion in his voice, while Senra just sighed. The blonde could only pray that the redhead doesn't decide to do something drastic.

Urata just looked at the disappearing redhead and albino. He shook his head as he scolded himself. Don't care. The short brunette turned around to look back at the others, only for his eyes to meet the purple-haired's.

"Shut up."

"I didn't even say anything." Shima protested as the green eyed brunette crossed his arms.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now