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Hana saw their confused faces and looked at the teal-haired with another annoyed expression, "didn't I tell you to tell them everything? Seriously what have you been doing instead?"

"Probably having fun annoying people." Nqrse commented.

"I've always seen him with Riku and Haru." Eve stated.

"I just didn't feel like doing it." Yuuto lazily said as he waved his hand at the female's question. This earned him a small smack on the arm from the female. "Ow. You sure can be bossy from time to time."

"Because you're always being mischief instead of doing your job."

"Can s-someone explain this?" Sakata said, "us princes? And....Outworld?"

"Outworld is another dimension, er world where people like us exist." Eve said as the pink haired male elaborated more.

"It's where other people that have powers come from. That's where we all lived when we were younger, including Urata and Mafu."

"So basically, we're not from....here?" Soraru asked in confusion as Hana smiled.

"Yeah, I know it can be confusing, trust me I was also confused when I found out about here— well, how about we call 'here' the human world."

"Very creative." Yuuto remarked as the female glared at him.

"Can we go back to the topic about us being princes?" Senra asked, the pink haired female giggled at the blonde's question.

"It's just as we said, you guys are heir to the throne in Outworld." Hana said as the mushroom haired spoke.

"There are other kingdoms in Outworld, each having their own prince or princess, but you guys are the most respected. You can say that your kingdom is the one that's higher than the others." Eve explained, the guys just slowly nodded their heads. It was kinda hard for them to take all of this in.

"You guys act like brothers right, well you guys are actually related, well Senra was adopted later but the three of you guys are brothers." Yuuto said as he grinned at them.

"Eh? Seriously?" Soraru said as the redhead sheepishly laughed.

"We always joked about that, but it's actually true."

"Wait, is that why you bowed to us earlier? Because we're princes?" Senra said as the pink haired female nodded her head.

"It's rude for me to not show formality towards the princes. Unless you guys don't want me to act formal around you?"

"It's fine, I guess it just feels a bit weird to have someone suddenly treat you like royalty." Senra admitted as the female giggled.

"But if we're princes, as you say, of Outworld, why do we remember living in the orphanage ever since we were little?" Soraru questioned, causing the teal-haired to grin.

"The memories of you guys living in the orphanage are false ones that I implanted in your minds. Well, some are false."

"Like which ones?" Senra asked as the teal-haired pondered for a bit.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now