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Senra glanced between the purple-haired and butler. He gently pulled on the male's sleeve to get his attention.

"Are you going to go? It kinda seems weird."

"I was thinking the same thing," Shima mumbled under his breath as he looked back at the male in confusion.

"Did they say anything else?"

"They won't tell me what they need and just said to bring you," The butler responded, "but they didn't look worried, at least I don't think so."

"Did they at least say it was important?" Shima asked, trying to pry more info off the guy.

"That's as much as they mentioned, nothing of importance or urgency."

"Maybe it's just to ask how things are going?" Senra said, though he was having trouble believing that.


"Oh Shima," Yuuto called out as he spotted the males,
"The king and queen said your parents want to talk to you, they sent the butler to get you but I decided I'd go look for you."

"Eh? Why?" Senra asked as the teal-haired rolled his eyes as if it was an obvious answer.

"Because it was taking so long, I thought the butler just forgot or didn't even bother doing it."

"I'm a butler that does things when told, I obey my masters' commands," the male said as he semi-glared at the teal-haired, "a peasant like you should know that, you have no right to ridicule me."

Senra and Shima noticed Yuuto slightly flinched at the words. The blonde frowned a bit and was about to remark until Yuuto reverted back to his usual smile and spoke.

"Www guilty~ but at least I'm given some freedom unlike you~" he smiled innocently, "but there's no need to be hostile towards each other."

"You have any idea what they want?" Shima asked the teal-haired, who shrugged.

"I tried to pester the king and queen to see if they know anything, but they wouldn't budge," Yuuto crossed his arms in a pondering way, "the king just said that it's best for you to be the one to hear it."

The purple-haired stared at the teal-haired, still very hesitant of the situation. I should probably decline it, but it could be something important if they have to ask for me to see in person....

"I guess I should go, though if they made me worry for nothing...." Shima said, still a bit wary at his decision.

"I'll come with you," Senra smiled at the male as he continued in a teasing tone, "we can't leave the prince alone in a foreign land after all."

"Aw how cute~" Yuuto cooed as the purple-haired gave him an annoyed look.

"Oi, you can only tease Urata and Sakata."

"Www who knows, maybe I'll start teasing you two now and give the tsundere and idiot a break."

"Don't you have a boyfriend to gush about?" Senra teasingly retorted as the teal-haired pouted.

"Don't remind me that he's not here!" Yuuto crossed his arms as he looked away in an angry but joking way, "guess I won't take you anymore."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now