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Senra rubbed his head as he sat up. Since when did I fall asleep? He placed his hand down, feeling the softness of a blanket that sent confusion to his brain. Eh? A blanket? Where's the grass? He frantically moved his arms around the bed and looked when realization sinked in that he was in a room, specifically a room in the castle. Someone please explain.

"Oh you finally woke up."

The blonde jumped at the voice and saw Maya standing by the doorframe.

"Guess that means that whatever Haru planned to do is done."

"What happened?" Senra could only remember being in the forest before falling unconscious.

"Haru wanted to mess around and try to control you but that didn't work so he just decided to make you fall asleep so you wouldn't try to run away."

I don't know what stopped him from controlling me but I'm thankful for it. The blonde could only shudder in fear of what the male would've done if he had control over him.

"Well, I'm curious to see how your friends find a way to escape this," Maya said as she smiled at the male, "but I'm even more curious about how'd you feel when you find out."

"Find out what?"

"Just a little surprise," Maya said as she began to open the door, "you're free to leave and walk around. I used my magic to place a tracker spell so I'll be able to find you no matter where you go."

Senra just sat there in silence as the sound of the door closing rung the room. So even if I did run away they'd still bring me back. The blonde then realized that the indigo haired male wasn't around. Where's Riku?

He sighed as he brought his knees to his chest, "I wonder how long I've been unconscious for?"

Senra then remembered about the pendant still around his neck. They didn't take it off? But that would make it easier for the others to find me, unless that's what they want....

He panicked a bit as the thought crossed his mind. I could be the reason they get hurt trying to save me.

He was about to take off the pendant and throw it away but hesitated as he placed his hand over it.

"But I need it so Soraru knows that I'm fine..."

"God why is this so complicated!" Senra whined to himself as he flopped on the bed.

"I feel like I'm being held hostage, yet I'm given the freedom to roam around," Senra said, pointing at his fingers as he listed his complaints, "I'm worried this pendant would lead to my friends getting hurt but at the same time it'll help them find me. Riku's my friend and I trust him but because of him I'm forced to choose between him and Shima."

"I love Shima but choosing him will lead to suffering for the others and everyone else..."

"I have to choose between friends or the kingdom..."

"Sometimes I wished I hadn't joined this family, then my life might've been more peaceful...." Senra muttered as he turned to his side, playing with the pendant around his neck, "getting mixed into royalty just brought more problems than being a thief..."

The blonde sighed, spotting the ring that fitted perfectly on his finger, he traced his fingertip over it as a small smile bloomed on his face.

"But if it wasn't for that then I wouldn't have been this happy. I might've not have met him."

That was enough determination for the blonde to get up.

"Alright I need to find a way to get to the others," Senra got off the bed before stopping, "but I don't know where they are...."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now