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Senra and Sakata were approaching the principal's office. Both of them were extremely nervous, especially Sakata after what he heard in the faculty room.

"What if they finally decided to get rid of us?" Sakata nervously asked as the blonde shook his head.

"W-We don't know if that's the reason." Senra replied back, though he sounded unsure himself.

"I-I'm just really nervous." The redhead admitted as he clung onto the blonde's arm.

Senra just patted his head in a soothing way, like a parent comforting their scared child. The two were approaching the principal's office when they spotted the raven-haired, who was already there.

"Niichan!" Sakata shouted as he ran and tackled the older male into a hug, now clinging onto him. Soraru just soothed his hair to calm down his nerves.

"So any idea why we were called?" Senra asked the male who shrugged, still comforting the younger of the three.

"Maybe it's not something serious." Soraru reasoned, but it was mostly him just telling himself that to cover the slight panic inside him.

"Should we go in?" The redhead's voice was muffled for being pressed into the raven-haired's chest but the other two were able to understand.

The three of them stood in silence, in what felt like decades but it was really only five seconds. They didn't want to, the worst scenarios playing in their mind.

"W-Well, worst case scenario is that the principal decides to kick us out of the school." Senra stated as an attempt to reassure them, though he wasn't sure if that was the best thing to say.

"Let's just go." Soraru said as he pried the redhead off of him.

The raven-haired knocked on the door. A small "come in" was heard from the inside. Soraru hesitantly opened it and entered, the other two following close behind.

Upon entering they saw the principal looking at a couple of papers on his desk. He glanced up to look at the three male's tensed expressions, letting out a small chuckled and giving them a reassuring smile.

"You three aren't in trouble. Stop looking so tensed."

The three males let out a sigh of relief as they could finally breathe. The principal chuckled again before putting his papers down to look at them.

"I just called you over to see how you three were doing."

"We're fine." Senra stated while the raven-haired gave the redhead an annoyed expression.

"You made us worry over nothing." Soraru scolded him, Sakata sheepishly smiled.

"Sorry~ it's just that I heard the teacher in the faculty room and I got worried."

"Ah, right the meeting." The principal said as he sighed. He rubbed his temples while the three males titled their heads in confusion.

"Are you okay Genta-sama?" Sakata asked the male, who sighed again.

"I'm fine Sakata, just tired of hearing teacher's repetitive complaints." The principal named Genta said.

"What do you mean," Senra said before adding, "i-if you don't mind telling us."

"Just teachers telling me to expel you three from the school." The male rubbed his temples again as if to ease a slight headache.

"I get where they're coming from, they're worried about the safety of the other students."


The three males were stunned by the principal's words, the color was slowly draining from their face. Genta sighed for the third time before looking at them.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now