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It had been a few minutes since the guys had entered the forest. Half of them already wanted to get out while the other half wanted to walk around.

"Come on, it's been only ten minutes since we began walking." Luz said to the group that were complaining.

"Yeah, ten minutes is enough for me, I want to go home and sleep now."

The redhead giggled at the raven-haired's comment, "niichan is just too lazy to walk~"

"Or maybe he's just getting too old." Mafu teased, annoying the raven-haired.


"Www but I still love you~"

Soraru blushed at the comment, he sighed and looked away.

"And here comes tsunaru." Senra laughed at the male's embarrassed yet irritated expression.

"Shut up."

"I have to agree with the old man, this is pointless." Urata gave a cocky smirk when he heard the raven-haired quietly protest.

"www let's stop bullying Soraru before he uses his powers on us." Amatsuki teased as the older male simple sighed again.

"Hey, I see a clearing over there." Kashitaro pointed to the area just a few feet away.

It was hidden behind the trees but they could see the sunlight shine brighter there. Just barely visible was what seemed like a lake.

"Let's go check it out~"

Luz eagerly grabbed the pink haired male's hand and dragged him off the path towards the clearing.

They saw that the area was even more open then they imagined. Trees seemed to cover almost ever corner, as if attempting to keep this place hidden.

There was a large lake with a river crossing right through it. The sun's reflection caused some parts to shine and glister like sparkles. A water fountain was in the middle of the lake, creating small ripples from time to time with each splash.

A small stone bridge was built over the river, connecting the two sides of the lake. It was painted in a faint cyan color, with rails on the sides. There was also a small wooden deck  nearby that led to the lake.

The guys could see that there were some paths on the other side of the area, leading to somewhere else in the forest. Flowers in a variety of colors scattered all over the area, giving off a sweet, aromatic scent.

"This looks like something you'd see in Outworld." Nqrse commented as he walked towards the edge of the lake.

"Yeah, it's too pretty." Kashitaro said before realizing something, "wait, couldn't we be on someone's property?"

"What makes you say that?" Sakata asked, the brunette pointed to the bridge and deck.

"Someone obviously made those, I doubt they just magically appeared."

"Should we leave then?" Luz asked the others while the raven-haired noticed something from the corner of his eyes.

Soraru walked towards the bridge, there was a small note taped onto the rail. I'm surprised it managed to stay just fine. He took it off and read it, a small smile appeared on his face.

"What'd you find niichan?" Sakata childishly asked as he walked towards the male and peeked over his shoulder.

"This is for us." Soraru said as he looked back at the others.

"Eh?" They all said at the same time, not understanding the raven-haired's words.

"Mia said that before we moved to the house, she went in this forest and looked for a spot, a spot just for us."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now