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Mafu was waiting by the gates for the others to arrive. The albino glanced at the raven-haired next to him, wonder why he was called to the principal's office. The raven-haired hadn't told them about it once he got back. He simply just said that it wasn't anything bad.

"We're here~" Luz said as he approached the guys.

"What took you guys so long?" Amatsuki curiously asked as the light haired male glanced at the pink haired male.

"Just the usual people bothering us." Nqrse said as he sighed.

"People need to stop pretending to be nice to us just so they can become popular." Shima exhaustingly said as the short brunette nodded his head.

"Well let's go—eek!" Sakata shouted as he felt himself get tickled again.

"Www how cute~" Yuuto commented as he grinned at the redhead.

"I said cut that out!" Sakata exclaimed as he gave the teal-haired a weak glare.

"Www but it's fun seeing you jump~"

"Seriously Yuuto." Haru said in amusement as he walked up to the teal-haired.

"Don't tell me you didn't think it was cute."

The black-haired male simply rolled his eyes before crossing his arms.

"I think your annoying."

"Www why does that remind me of someone~?"

"Why are you here anyways?" Soraru said in annoyance as the teal-haired grinned.

"To bother you guys~"

"Yuuto said he found something in a classroom and was asking people if it belonged to them." Haru said as the teal-haired took out a book.

It was the brown book with a teru teru bozu drawn on it.

"Eh?" Luz let out as he then looked in his bag. The male then realized he was missing a book.

"That's my book."

"Here you go~ You should be more careful, don't want it to land in the wrong hands~" Yuuto said as he handed the book to the light haired male.


"No problem~ Now Haru, you haven't answered my question~"

"Eh?" The black-haired male said in confusion as the teal-haired fake pouted.

"How boring~ say something else like Sakata's the cutest thing you've ever seen."

Haru sighed in exhaustion. He seriously has too much energy. The black-haired male then glanced at the redhead.

"I guess I'll admit that Sakata can be cute."

"E-Eh?" Sakata stuttered as he blushed, embarrassed at the male's comment.

"Www you turned his face into a tomato~"

"Can you quit flirting." Urata said in exasperation as he crossed his arms.

Yuuto and Shima raised their eyebrows in slight amusement.

"Is someone jealous~" Shima quietly teased the short brunette, who gave him a confused yet uninterested look.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"I didn't know you could be dense." Shima commented causing the short brunette to glare at him.

"What I mean is that your voice sounded a bit annoyed earlier," Shima grinned, "as if you didn't like it when Haru complimented Sakata~"

Urata rolled his eyes at the purple-haired's statement. He sure loves teasing me. The green eyed brunette crossed his arms as he looked away.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now