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"You idiot!" Maya shouted at the black haired male, who wasn't too happy at being shouted at.

"Hey, you didn't do a good job at watching them either. And I figured it'd be better to take Shima hostage as well." Haru stated as the female sighed in frustration.

"And now we lost the chance for the plan to work without distractions."

"Riku's still helping us, right?" Haru spoke in a playful voice as he poked the male that was glaring at him.

"Shut up."

"Remember that you and your brother's lives are at stake~"

"You agreed to leave Sou out of this." Riku stood defensively in front of the brown-haired male.

"You hurt Sou and I'll hurt you," Maya said coldly as Haru whined.

"Aw come on, you have a soft spot for those two?"

Sou was watching the black haired male complain before looking down at his hand, the earring was all broken and shattered. This....is bad...I need to find a way to fix this or else I'm basically vulnerable to anything they have planned.

Riku sighed as the two argued before glancing at the male with a sad gaze.

"I'm sorry...."

"Eh?" Sou looked at his brother before shaking his head, "it's not really your fault, you can't do much against them."

Riku was about to say something before glaring at the black haired male that placed an arm around his shoulder.

"Though isn't this a great opportunity for us?" Haru cheerfully exclaimed, "because now we can make it impossible for them to make the kingdom revolt against us."

He put on a pondering face, "how does this sound: your princes fled the scene, deciding that their love life and image was much more important than their falling kingdom," he turned to look at Maya with a smile, "I doubt anyone would like them for that~"

"We can say Senra was helping us go against his brothers for their crimes but later betrayed us and ran off. No doubt people would want them dead."

Riku eyes widened as he snapped his head to look at the male in shock, Haru just smiled at the scared expression.

"He made a mistake now they'll all suffer~"

"W-wait! Y-You agreed not to do anything to them—!"

"If Senra agreed with us, but he broke the deal by running away," the black-haired male's grin became wicked, "so why should we keep our part then?"

"Do what you want." Maya waved her hand dismissively before glaring at the male, "but don't hurt Sou, he's the only one we need alive."

The brown-haired male shrunk as he hid behind Riku. I...I really need to find a way out before they use me as bait against the others.

"Eh? Only Sou? So we don't need Riku anymore~"

The indigo haired tensed up as he saw Haru glanced at him, the evil smirk worried him even more as he felt himself getting ready to grab Sou and run at any moment.

"Anyone but those two." Maya was getting tired of talking to the male.

"Geez, I get Sou but why Riku~" Haru sulked, though the other males sighed in relief.

Maya crossed her arms, "they're both useful to us. We can just have Riku our puppet to take rule over the human world as well. After all, that was the original plan before the blondie started liking the purple plum."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now