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The spring breeze flew through the window of the building that was housing the three males. They could be seen lazing around in their living room, a peaceful atmosphere surrounding them. It was the weekend so they were spending their time at home rather than going outside. Not like they even wanted to, the others were busy at the moment so they decided to just stay in the comfort of their own home, not having to worry about hiding their powers from others.

Soraru was laying down on the three-person couch playing a video game, his eyes were completely glued to the screen while the other two were doing their own things.

Senra was reading a book, that was given to him when he was younger by a close friend. It brought back happy, cheerful memories, though a hint of abandonment and sadness could be seen in his eyes as he read the book. The blonde let a weak sigh escape his lips, he was trying to push away any of the negative memories that came with the book in the back of his mind. No point in clinging onto false hope and broken promises.

Sakata was playing around with his power, bored that the other two were in their own little world. He'd create small flames and shape them into things such a ball, a butterfly or a heart. After playing around for a bit, he turned the fire into a rose, little flames danced around as he held the fire flower in his hand. Since it was his specialty, the redhead doesn't get burned by it, well touching fires that he didn't create would hurt him a bit.

The redhead had always wanted to learn how to shape the fires, bored of the simple flame design, so he asked Soraru to teach him how to mend it. It was difficult at first, trying to control the flames to form the shape, but he managed to do so. The redhead smiled to himself as he looked at his own achievement before holding the flower in front of the blonde.

"Look Senra~"

"That's great Sakata." The blonde said, not taking his eyes off the book. Sakata frowned as he whined to the male.

"You're not even looking~"

Senra didn't reply at all, continuing to read the book instead. Sakata pouted before a mischief smile appeared on his face. He held the fire close to the blonde's face. Senra could feel the heat that was being emitted by the flame.

"Senra~ What if I dropped the fire on your book~?"

"Hey! Be careful!" Senra reprimanded as he quick turned to move the book away from the flame.


Sakata continued to annoy the blonde as he held the fire flower close to, but not close enough that it would be touching the book as Senra yelled at him, constantly moving it away from danger. Soraru was trying to focus on his game by drowning out the two male's voices. He could hear the blonde's shouts and the redhead's giggling, ignoring it for a while until he began to get irritated.

Soraru paused the game and snapped his fingers, and without warning, a dark gray cloud appeared above the two males. Senra quickly threw the book on the floor to avoid it getting wet while Sakata immediately ran away to a corner. Soraru sighed, snapping his fingers again to cause the cloud to disappear. He then gave both of the males an unamused and ticked off glare.

"Oi! Quick bickering!"

"It's his fault." Senra and Sakata both said as they pointed at each other.

Soraru sighed as he looked at them, his eyes almost showed disappointment, "what am I going to do with you guys?"

"Niichan don't do that! You know how much I'm afraid of water!" Sakata stated as he retreated from his small corner.

"It got you two to stop being so loud and annoying." The raven-haired replied in a monotone voice.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now