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"So did you find anything?" Amatsuki asked the albino that had been flipping through the pages for a couple of minutes.

They were back in the house, the others decided to either chat or play games while the albino looked through the book.

"It's just like Shima said, it's mostly just info about spells and such," Mafu then turned to book so the others could see the page, "though some pages are blank, like this one."

"Eh? Now that totally isn't suspicious," 'Shima' said as the albino nodded his head.

"Maybe it's one of those you can't see it until you do something to it." Sakata pointed out, "like maybe pouring water on it."

"But if we use something on it and it isn't what we have to do then we'll just end up ruining the page." Luz stated as the redhead sheepishly scratched his cheek.

"It might not hurt to try if we're careful?"

"Not taking the chance of destroying our possible hope," Urata said while Nqrse gave the albino a small smile.

"Mafu you can keep the book for now."

"Eh?" The albino tilted his head, "but shouldn't Soraru keep it to make sure it's safe."

"Well, maybe but I know you'll do your best to protect it," 'Soraru' ruffled the albino's hair as he smiled, Mafu just pouted.

"Plus it's easier for him to figure it out." 'Shima' mentioned as the pink haired male nodded his head in agreement.

"So for now, we can just use the rest of the day to relax," Amatsuki grabbed the controller as he spoke.

"Of course you'd want to take a break..." Kashitaro muttered while the red eyed brunette just stuck his tongue out.

"I'll do my best to solve the mystery of the blank pages," Mafu grabbed the book and stood up, "Soraru I'm taking hold of your room for the next couple hours."

"How about I go with you to make sure you don't destroy anything?"

"Ehh? You don't trust me?"

"It's you we're talking about."


"Alright go you lovebirds," Amatsuki teasingly pushed the two males, who just rolled their eyes.

"You're one to talk."
"We'll come back to the living room if we find anything."

The two headed up the stairs as they heard the others talk.

"More waiting....." Senra groaned in slight annoyance.

"If you want to immediately jump in and get caught again then be my guest." Urata stated as the purple-haired's voice was heard next.

"Plus without your powers, you're vulnerable."

"And your prince charming wouldn't want you to get hurt."


"I agree with Senra on how tiring all this sitting around doing nothing is," Mafu said with a sigh as the two males entered the raven-haired's room, "but if it keeps us safe then that's fine."

"We just need to know that spell or whatever to be able to fix all of this." 'Soraru' said as the albino nodded his head.

Once the two were sitting of the bed they began to skim through the pages and think about ideas on how to possibly see the blank pages. Any idea that they had was filled with a few doubts and fears of damaging the pages. They wanted to be absolutely sure they don't make a mistake that may cost them. It went on for a few minutes before they ended up giving up quickly.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now