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Mafu was looking at the sight in front of him. Amatsuki was happily talking to the brunette, their hands intertwined. They're not even paying attention to me. The albino sighed as he pouted at the two males.

"If you two are going to be flirting all the time then I'll just leave you two." Mafu said as the red eyed brunette blushed.

"W-We're not flirting!" Amatsuki exclaimed as the albino rolled his eyes.

"Yes you are~"

"No we're not!"

Kashitaro just watched the two males bicker with one another. He let out a sigh before noticing someone out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh hey that's Soraru."

"Where?" Mafu said as he looked at the direction the brunette was looking at, forgetting about the red eyed brunette.

Amatsuki attempted to cover his laughter. A~h, he immediately forgot about me once Kashi mentioned Soraru~ www. The brunette called out to the raven-haired, who turned his head to look at them.

"Hey Soraru~!" Kashitaro said as he walked up to the raven-haired.

"Hey." Soraru lazily replied, he was still tired and had no energy to do anything at the moment.

"Where's Senra and Sakata?" Amatsuki asked as he noticed the two male's absence.

Soraru just stared at them before mumbling to himself, "three, two, one..."

"Niichan~ Senra's being mean to me~" Sakata whined as he tackled the raven-haired's back. The older male just sighed as he looked at the blonde that was approaching them.

"I did nothing." Senra said as he put his hands up in a surrendering way.

"You two seriously are annoying." Soraru said as the redhead pouted.

"How mean~" Sakata said before grinning at the two brunettes, "so how's the happy new couple doing~?"

"Y-Yamete!" Amatsuki shouted as his cheeks became covered in a light pink tune.

"www someone's embarrassed~"

"Stop it!"

"Www I've never seen Amachan's face get this red." Mafu teased as the red eyed brunette glared at them.

"You should probably stop." Soraru said causing the albino to pout while Amatsuki smiled at him.

"Thanks Soraru~"

"Why should I?" Mafu asked as the raven-haired raised his eyebrow.

"If you want him to get revenge and tease you back later then be my guest."

"Oh right," Mafu shuddered at the thought of the red eyed brunette teasing him. I wouldn't be able to survive.

"I'm surprised Soraru helped you." Kashitaro stated as the older male sighed.

"Because I know how you guys act, Amatsuki would just complain to me later that I didn't help him."

"You're not wrong." The brunette said as he chuckled.

"Hey! What's that suppose to mean?!" Amatsuki exclaimed as the brunette poked his forehead.

"That you're sometimes whiny."

"Hmph." Amatsuki let go of the brunette's hand and crossed his arms.

"Stop flirting." Soraru said, causing the red eyed brunette to give him an annoyed look.

"Weren't you just on my side?!?"

"I was?" Soraru teasingly said as he smirked at the male.

"How cruel~ I pity the person you end up dating." Amatsuki said as he glanced at the albino. The red eyed brunette was inwardly smirking while Mafu titled his head, not understanding the red eyed brunette's gaze.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now