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"Get off me, you know I hate it when people cling onto me." Riku said as he pried the female off him.

"You sure are cold to your fiancée, how cruel~" The light-purpled haired said as she pouted.

"You're not my fiancée anymore, remember?" Riku said to the female, who pouted.

"That doesn't mean that I'll give up on you." Maya said as she crossed her arms.

"Why are you even here?" Yuuto asked in a bored tone as the female glared at him.

"You can be a bit nicer you know."

"I can~ I just choose not to." The teal-haired innocently smiled.

"What a brat."

"I'm surprised you decided to come here this time to meet him." Haru stated as the female smiled.

"I wanted to surprise him~" Maya then looked at the other guys, "and I'm guessing these are your friends."

"No they're not." Riku said as he walked past them, "I'm leaving now."

"Hmph, how mean~" The light-purpled haired crossed her arms in annoyance.

"He's only mean to you, but suuper sweet to Senra~" Yuuto teased.

The blonde blushed a bit, turning his head so the others couldn't see his face. Shima just crossed his arm in annoyance.


Maya turned to look at the blonde, then at the purple-haired. So that's them. She crossed her arms as she gave the blonde a displeased look.

"Well we're off to catch up to grumpy pants, bye guys~" Yuuto grinned as he grabbed the black-haired male's hand and dragged him away.

"I seriously hate that guy." Maya muttered as she glared at the teal-haired.

"So you two aren't engaged anymore?" Nqrse asked, the light-purple haired sighed.

"No, but that doesn't mean that my feelings are gone, I genuinely like him," she then looked at the blonde, "so you're the one that took him from me. I guess you're not that bad, but not that great either."

"E-Eh?" Senra stuttered as the female muttered to herself.

"What does he see in you?" Maya then bowed to them, "well sorry to disturb you guys."

The female walked away as the others just watched her. Shima noticed that she gave him a side glance before she left. The purple-haired tilted his head, confused by the gesture.

"So Senra has some competition." Luz teased as the blonde rolled his eyes.

"But Riku already confessed to him so didn't Senra pretty much win already?" Amatsuki stated as the purple-haired inwardly frowned.

"We don't know for sure that they'll end up dating..." he muttered to himself.

"Did you say something Shima?"


The blonde was silent, despite having feelings for the indigo-haired male, he didn't feel uneasy at the thought of someone else trying to take him away from him. Wouldn't people normally be scared about their crush not liking them anymore? Senra shook his head  to get rid of the thought before waving goodbye to the guys.

"Well see ya tomorrow guys."

The blonde began to walk away. The other two said goodbye and walked with the blonde back home.

"Ah~ how cute that Senra has a crush~" Mafu cooed as he giggled.

"Now Shima's the only one left to gain feelings for someone." Kashitaro teased the purple-haired, who blushed.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now