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"So what are we doing first?" Luz asked the pink haired male, who thought about the question.

"Well, I should probably check on some things in the fairy village." Nqrse said before grabbing the light haired male's arm and dragging him into the alley nearby.

Soon a pink aura surrounded the male, small wings appeared on Nqrse's back as a golden crown made of small flower designs rested on his head. A pink dress with floral patterns covered his body as a red bow wrapped around him neck.

Luz just watched, mesmerized as the male was turning into his fairy form. The light haired male was still staring in awe even after the transformation was done.

"Luz?" Nqrse asked as the male snapped out of his dazed state. The light haired male blushed in embarrassment at his staring.

"Y-You just look cute like that..."

The pink haired male bashfully smiled, his cheeks were tinted red because of the male's comment.


"So we're going to the fairy village?" Luz asked, taking his mind off of the male's fairy form, the pink haired male nodded his head.

"So I get to see your parents~"

Nqrse just shook his head in amusement as they headed to the village. Along the way, the light haired male continued to coo about the male's appearance. Nqrse didn't mind being spoiled by the male's compliments from time to time.

They arrived at the village, Nqrse spotted a little boy rubbing his eyes. He could see the small tears falling from the boy's eyes. He approached the boy, crouching down to meet his gaze. Luz just watched the interaction.

"Are you okay?" Nqrse gently asked as the little boy shook his head, he showed the male the cut on his arm.

The pink haired male gave him a warm smile as he used his power to heal the boy's small wound.

"There, good as new."

The little boy beamed and gave the male a hug before heading back to his friends. Nqrse just smiled as he watched the boy leave.

"You're so kind to them~" Luz cooed, as if he didn't need to have another reason to love the pink haired male even more.

"Well I'm not going to watch someone injured and not help them."

The two continued to walk around the town. Luz could see other fairies walk, some were using their wings to fly. He was still amazed at all of this, he still couldn't believe the fact that he was dating a beautiful and loving fairy.

"Things seem to be okay." Nqrse said as he waved at some people that waved at him.

"You sure are popular here." Luz commented as the male sheepishly laughed.

"Yeah, even though Hana is the most– I guess you can say she's the most 'powerful' fairy, people consider me a runner up."

"Of course you're better than her~" Luz said before widening his eyes, "please don't tell her I said that."

Nqrse just chuckled, "okay fine. But anyways, she's well respected and since she's close with me that makes the others respect me too."

"I see."

The two just looked around the town eventually encountering the pink haired male's parents. Luz was blushing as he heard them say how handsome he was and how they were happy that he was with the male. Even though he was embarrassed, the light haired male was happy that they liked and appreciated him.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now