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"I'm starting to think we're stuck in a constant loop cause I swear we passed this hallway two times already," Kuro said as the other three stopped walking and sighed.

"I think she has a point," Urata agreed as Lon closed her eyes and held her necklace again before letting go and frowning.

"I can't seem to sense anyone's auras, besides you guys. Not even one from a maid or guest."

"We aren't that far from the garden, and we know there were people there before, so how come we haven't encountered anyone?" Mafu asked as the others shrugged.

"Let's just go back to Sakata and Soraru, we've walked around mindlessly for a long time," Urata said as he turned around, "I mean someone's had to probably found them by now."

"So which way did we go after walking down here?" Kuro asked as they began to walk back to the other two males.

"Um....I think we turned left after this," Lon said as the red eyed blonde looked at the albino.

"Can't you just teleport us back to them?"

"I actually tried before," Mafu stated as he let out a disappointed sigh, "but it didn't work."

"Eh? Why? It worked earlier to bring Urata and Sakata?" Lon said while the albino just shrugged.

"Maybe since your body's kinda frail that easily tired you out." Urata pointed out as the albino pouted.

"Then I'm useless if one spell tires me out that quickly~" Mafu whined as he crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Maybe the item Hana gave you is useful right now," the albino said as the red eyed blonde touched her earring.

"Almost all of you got earrings," Urata stated, "though I guess that'd be the least suspicious thing they'd expect."

"Yeah, no one looks at an earring and goes 'hmm that earring probably gives them powers so let's take it off to make sure they don't have an advantage'," Kuro replied as the other two let out a small laugh.

"Wonder what kind of power you get to use," Lon curiously said while the short brunette's lips turned into a teasing smirk.

"Maybe she'll just turn into a short cat."

"Has anyone told you to stop being mean?" Kuro muttered as she semi-glared at the male.

"Multiple times."

"And they're all from Sakata," Mafu teasingly said, earning a small smack on the arm from the short brunette.

"Well let's go back, they're probably starting to get worried that we're taking so long," Lon took a few steps forward before stopping, remembering that they were lost, and sheepishly laughed.

"Eh? Mafu is that you?"

The albino was about to turn his head to see the person that called out to him but was tackled in a hug by them.

"Hey Luz, I think you're going to suffocate him."

Mafu managed to free himself and glare at the male, "Hey! Don't do that out of nowhere! I could've died!"

"But if it was Soraru that did it, in some rare future, then he'd be fine with dying." Kashitaro teasingly said which caused the albino to blush.

"What are you guys doing standing around?" Nqrse questioned the four, who looked away in embarrassment.

"We kinda got lost, we were looking for someone like a knight or maid to–" Kuro admitted before realizing something, "oh right, you guys don't know...."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now