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The guys still couldn't believe that the three males had powers, they were amazed by it. They decided to hang out together after school and go to the raven-haired's house. Well, that was the excuse the others said but Soraru knew that there was another reason they wanted to go.

And he was right.

"Can you guys show us your powers~" Amatsuki pleaded as the raven-haired sighed. I knew it.

"Why?" Senra asked as the red eyed brunette whined again.

"Because I wanna see~"

"They're not that interesting..." Sakata said as the light haired male looked at him as if he said the stupidest thing, which would be normal for the redhead.

"Of course it would be! It's not everyday that you happen to be friends with someone that can use magic and such."

"Fine." Soraru said as he snapped his fingers, a small cloud forming as snowflakes began to fall from it.

"Cool~" Shima said in amazement.

Mafu found it amusing that the raven-haired could use powers relating to snow. He really is the 'ice' prince now. The albino giggled, which made the raven-haired smile.

The blonde snapped his fingers and soon small lightning bolts began to come out of the cloud. Senra grinned in amusement while the raven-haired playfully rolled his eyes.

"Sakata can use fire right? So how hasn't he burned stuff yet?"

The redhead tensed up a bit after hearing the light haired male's question before he felt someone pat his head. He glanced at the short brunette, who was looking away but he could tell that the male was trying to calm him down. Right, I didn't cause the fire.

"He's burned some things before, like the tables, papers, sometimes the couch, should I continue?" Senra teasingly asked as he smirked at the redhead.

"Shut up!"

"So you three really can use elemental powers," Amatsuki still couldn't believe it even after seeing them use it.

"Wonder why you have them." Kashitaro said as the three males shrugged.

"Nqrse you know, right? So why don't you just tell us?" Mfu asked as the pink haired male shifted his eyes away.

"It's probably better to not think about that now, I'm still trying to work with the others to figure something out."

"Work with the others?" Urata repeated, raising his eyebrow in confusion.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Luz asked his boyfriend, who scratched his head.

"Ah, I probably shouldn't have said that. Just forget about it for now."

"Maybe you can just tell Yuuto to erase our memory," Shima then widened his eyes as he saw Nqrse's pondering expression, "wait no, I was just kidding!"

The pink haired male just chuckled at the purple-haired's panicked expression.

"Oh right, Senra you're going to give Urata the book for a while right?" Sakata looked at the blonde, who made a conflicted expression.

"Er, um....okay fine...." The blonde sighed as he got up to head to his room to get the book.

"He really doesn't want to part from that book." Amatsuki commented as the raven-haired let out a weak sigh.

"It's kinda important to him."

"Why's that?" Shima asked, he was curious on why the male found the book so special.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now