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It had been a while since the others had left to explore the area. Soraru was sitting on one of the large rocks in the water as he watched the albino continue to splash water on the red eyed brunette with his magic. Mafu would let out a small giggle while Amatsuki whined, telling him to stop.

How cute... The raven-haired unconsciously smiled as he listened to the albino's sweet, adorable laugh. He really can make me happy without having to do much.

"Someone sure is lovestruck~"

The raven-haired's smile immediately went away, replaced by an annoyed side glance towards the brunette sitting next to him.

"You know you can be annoying, right?"

"Yep, you've told me that so many times," Kashitaro said as he chuckled, "and that won't stop me."

Soraru rolled his eyes before noticing the brunette's gaze on a certain male. He smirked as he turned his head to look back at the albino.

"Don't act like you weren't watching Amatsuki." Soraru retorted, satisfied once he heard the brunette choke on air.

"I-I'm not looking at him!"

"Since when were you the tsundere? That's usually Urata."

"Look who's talking."


Kashitaro just smirked before it turned into a smile. "This kinda reminds me of when we used to live in the orphanage."

He looked at the raven-haired with a cheeky grin, "we'd always tease each other."

"And I hated you for that," Soraru chuckled. He smiled as the memories of their childhood played in his mind.

"I remember us always playing around."

"And how even after you left you'd still visit us and help us sneak out into the woods."

Soraru gave the male an amused look, remembering about how the brunette would drag them to the woods at night so they can play with their powers. A goofy grin was formed on Kashitaro's face.

"We were fine~ we always got back before Mia or the other caretakers even noticed you guys were gone anyway."

"Which amazes me, seeing as it was you who thought of the plan."

"Hey!" Kashitaro shot a playful glare towards the male, who just smirked. They then heard the red eyed brunette whine again.

"Yamete~ Mafu~"

"Www but it's fun."

"Why don't you go bother the others?" Amatsuki pleaded to the albino, who thought about it.

"Hmm.... Okay then~"

The red eyed brunette's lit up in happiness that the albino was going to leave him alone. He smiled in victory, before feeling cold water fall all over him. Amatsuki gave him an unamused look while the albino just covered his mouth as he giggled.

"Www I just wanted to do it one more time." Mafu turned around and looked at the raven-haired with a wide grin.

"Alright let's go Soraru!"

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now