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Kuro jumped out of the portal, immediately changing into her cat form, and quickly became accustomed to walking on all four paws while the others arrived.

"Okay, we'll stay here until you find something." Kashitaro said to the cat as he looked at Mafu, "Mafuteru will follow you to tell us if you come across anything so the others can go to bait Maya and Haru."

"I hope they didn't decide to do anything to the guys." Lon said as she brought her hand towards her necklace, "I'll occasionally try to see if I can get a reading on any auras close by as time goes on."

"None of us will move from here until we're certain that you found something." Urata stated while the others nodded their heads in agreement.

"Okay off I go!" Kuro ran out of the building, Mafuteru following a bit further behind.

"I hope she's okay on her own," Sakata said as he gave them a slightly nervous look, "I know Mafuteru will watch her but I'm still kinda worried that something might happen and we wouldn't know..."

"We just have to hope for the best," an anxious look appeared on Amatsuki's face, "I'm just worried that we might be too late."

"Maybe we're not, but we won't know anything until we hear it from Kuro," Senra replied as he sat down on the floor, "so for now we just wait till something happens."

"Once we get word that she found something we'll make our move." Mafu looked at them with a confident smile, "I'm sure she'll be able to pull this off."

"Luck plays a part in this," Sakata added, "we have to be really lucky that no one finds out about anything."

"Can you sense anyone nearby?" Urata asked Lon, who shook her head.

"Eventually I'll get one."

"How will we know if it's exactly Kuro or the others?" Amatsuki asked as the female blonde sheepishly shrugged.

"I can't really say, it's easy when Kuro's in that cat form because the aura's different. However, to differentiate the others can be difficult."

"Great, another thing we should worry about." Kashitaro groaned, "we won't know who it is unless we see them but that can lead to us getting caught."

"Wait, I can have another Mafuteru here to look out and then come back to tell us," Mafu stated while Senra sighed.

"Maybe, for now we think about how to bait Haru and Maya when the time comes."

Lon closed her eyes, Kuro's aura wasn't found anymore so she figured that the female was further away, she just sighed as she worriedly glanced at the others. Kuro, Soraru, you better be okay.


Kuro kept walking around, checking alleyways, behind buildings, occasionally sneaking inside in hopes of finding something or someone. She could see Mafuteru occasionally floating through before hiding behind something so that people don't question its presence. She was slightly irritated at the fact that she was smaller so it'd be harder to find anything in large crowds. Maybe going on the roof would be better. With that thought in her mind she did her best to get on higher ground, struggling a bit to reach the top, but once she was at a better height she cheered to herself.

"Okay, now this helps a bit more." Kuro grinned as she walked along the roof, grateful that the buildings weren't too far apart so she can jump across them.

She could see the castle further in the distance, a part of her wants to head there but there's the small chance that the others aren't there anymore and she doesn't want to end up passing by them without knowing. Kuro found it uneasy at how the people didn't seem disturbed at all, expecting to hear at least some bit of commotion but things seemed fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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