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Soraru was leaning against the school wall as he waited for the two males to arrive. The raven-haired, being bored at the moment, just played around a small water ball that he made. He wasn't worried about other classmates seeing since no one ever came to the back of the school during lunch.


The raven-haired looked up to see the redhead eagerly walking towards him, dragging Senra behind him. The older shook his head in amusement at the younger's puppy-like personality.

"Why does Senra look like he's ready to punch someone?" Soraru questioned the blonde's irritated expression.

"No reason." Sakata quickly said, though it was too quickly that it made the raven-haired raise his eyebrow.

"A classmate was just starting to piss me off." Senra said as he crossed his arms.

"It's fine~ it's all in the past." Sakata reassured the two.

He didn't want the two males to do something and get in trouble because of him. Plus Sakata kinda feared for the classmate's life in the case that Soraru finds out.

"You're too kind." Soraru said as the redhead stupidly grinned.

"Well he always did try to see the good in people and help them out." Senra said as the raven-haired sighed.

"Just like how he tried to help back then when—" Soraru cut himself off as he noticed the redhead's happy expression began to falter.

"Ah, sorry Sakata." The raven-haired quickly apologized as he tried to cheer up the redhead.

"I'm fine~ don't worry~" Sakata said as he smiled at them cheerfully.

Soraru and Senra looked at the redhead's bright smile before glancing at each other. They still weren't that convinced.

"Are you sure?" Senra asked as the redhead nodded his head.

"Positive?" Soraru stated as the redhead playfully pouted.

"Yes I am. What's it with you two and acting like parents?"

"We just don't want to see you all sad." Senra said as he ruffled the younger's hair.


Senra tried to cover his laugh as he saw the strands of red hair stick out. Sakata semi-glared at the blonde as he fixed his hair.

"Hey Soraru."

The raven-haired looked at the blonde that had spoken to him. Soraru titled his head, wondering what Senra wanted.

"Do you think Kashi will tell us if he's coming or not?" Senra asked as the raven-haired shrugged.

"He said he wasn't sure if he'd end up moving here or not." Soraru stated as he recalled the brunette's message that he sent them awhile ago.

"I hope he does~" Sakata said, "then it'd be the five of us like before."

"That is if Luz still thinks of us as his friends." Soraru said as the redhead's smile deflated a bit.

"Why do you always have to ruin my happiness~?"

"It's a possibility, he's friends with those popular guys."

"But Luz wouldn't abandon his childhood friends~"

"You know how people are in the school when it comes to popularity. People will begin to talk bad about anyone that's friends with us." Senra sadly said.

"That's why we just stay away from them, so people don't look down on them. Also because of our powers." Soraru added as the redhead sighed.

"I guess....." Sakata stared at the ground, people care more about who's popular than anything else.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now